
Nathan Wenner 2004

October 2004

Southwestern New Mexico

This neat looking buck scores around 90 inches.

coues deer

Dale Tasa 2001

October 2001

Unit 32, Arizona

This buck scored 93 1/8.  That long tine that is non-typical on his left antler measured 10 2/8 inches long.

coues deer

Coues Celebration 6 video

June 8, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Video with 0 Comments

This is a collection of photos and video submitted to by forum members.


Robert Wilson 2011

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 14, 2011

Unit 22, Arizona

(this is Robert’s first coues deer! Congratulations!)

“After 14 days of non stop hunting and freezing my rear end off… I made it happen!

Yesterday I relocated my stand due to frustration and lack of seeing any deer or recent sign. It all started this morning when I left the house to go get into my treestand. It was the windiest day I had experienced so far. I was climbing up pondering to myself, boy this is going to be fun. The wind howled and gusted up to 20mph all morning. It wasn’t 40 minutes later, when I could hear branches cracking that I decided to get out of there. It was still way too early in the morning to call it a day, so I decided to take a walk and see if I could do some “spot and stalk”. After walking 400 yards or so, nature called and I had to take care of business. Upon zipping up and getting ready to continue on, I noticed a buck trotting more or less in my direction. I kneeled down 5 steps later and waited assuming that he would continue in the same direction. After what seemed like way too long to see the buck I decided to stand up and see more. All the sudden, there he was trotting again in the same direction (more or less broadside) and he had no intentions of stopping. I went to full draw and grunted at him, which stopped him at 15yds. That’s when the ol’ stick n string did the rest! I waited 45 min. and then took up the trail. After 60-70 yds the tracking job was done and my tag was filled. This is my first Coues deer, and he is a true trophy to me!”

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coues deer

Max Nichols 2010

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Aug 2010

Great archery buck taken by twelve year old Max (son of Jarred Nichols). His Dad is real proud of him and so are we :). Congratulations Max!

coues deer

coues deer

Brian Rimsza 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Aug. 30, 2009

WOW!  Check out this monster that Brian shot with his new Elite GT500 bow!

Read his hunt story and watch some video.

Dale Gonzalez 2010

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan 2010

Check out this awesome monster of a Coues Buck!!  He has named him BoB!  WOW!

Read his hunt story.

coues deer

Martin Charlton 2010

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan 2, 2010

Martin shot this awesome buck with his bow and it rough scores 111 7/8.

Read more about his hunt.

coues deer

Mark Olivia 2010

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 2010

Mark shot this buck with his bow spot and stalk!  Wow, what a beast!  Congratulations Mark!

Read his hunt story.

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coues deer

Shawn Pena 2010

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan 2010

Unit 27, AZ

This is Shawn’s first Coues buck and he shot it from a treestand at 8 yards!

Coues deer

Larry Maniag 2010

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments


This is Larry’s tenth archery Coues Buck!! Heck, I can’t even link to all his other deer on this site 🙂

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Rick Valdez 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Aug. 21, 2009

Rick and his guide spot and stalked to within 65 yards of this buck and Rick made the shot.  What a buck!  They say it grosses 135!

The live photo was taken by Steven Ward prior to the hunt.

Shawn Kaul 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Sept. 09

Here is what Shawn wrote about his hunt:

“This is my first Coues deer. I shot him out of a ground blind at 37 yrds. I don’t know what he will score and not sure I care because he is a great trophy to me and a hard earned one at that. I backpack many miles to the stand site and thought I was crazy for doing so. But it was all worth it in the end as I was happy to take such a beautiful animal.”

coues deer

Johnny Burris 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments


Here is what Johnny had to say about his hunt:

“I have been blessed again this year with another archery Coues. Last year, I scored a 90.00” (net) 4×4 buck (never measured prior to 60 day drying). This one should also be a Pope and Young buck. This 2009 4X4, green scores roughly at 102.50”. I was sitting in my stand and within one hour, he came in. I must say, the PSE X-Force and G5 Montec’s did their job. The shot was 20 yards and hit the right side shoulder and completely passed through the left shoulder. He piled up 150 yards from the shot. Now, if I can only get one in the January archery hunt, my Coues hunting will come full circle!”

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Clay Price 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Aug. 21, 2009

Clay’s buck grosses 103 4/8 and nets 101 (green score).

Read his hunt story.

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John Waters 2008

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments


John shot this buck at 15 yards. This was his first archery Coues.

Coues deer

Pierre Rutherford 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments



Pierre got this fine buck with his bow at 50 yards. 

Read his hunt story.

coues deer

Robert Dryden 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 10, 2009

Robert shot him in Pima County on January 10th with his PSE X-Force as he was following one doe. Shot was seventy yards and passed through both lungs. He scores 100 2/8” and is Robert’s personal best archery Coues.

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Jeff Page 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 2009
Gila County

Info from Jeff:

Tagged in Gila County
5:00 pm 1/10/09
Treestand used
Mathews MQ32 bow, Muzzy 100 grain broadhead
shot at 15 yards 🙂 yeah, i love those long shots!

I passed up a shot on a dinky 2 x 1 on New Year’s day at, again, 15 yards. The freezer was empty and I could have used the meat, but I knew I was in a great trophy area, so I held. Boy, am I glad I did! 🙂 I always name my big deer, and this one is Marcella’s Birthday Buck. He was taken the weekend of my Mom’s birthday. She has been diagnosed with extensive small-cell lung cancer and I wanted to honor her in my memory.

The buck was cruising for does and the neck was massive. Estimated live weight is 125 lbs.

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Fernando Solis, Jr. 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 2009

Unit 24B, AZ

This is Fernando’s first Coues buck with a bow.  He shot it at 50 yards and it’s a 2×2 with a cheater point.

coues deer

Nathan LaCost 2004

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments


Nathan hasn’t had this buck scored yet, but he thinks he will get it scored along with the monster he killed in 08.  Then he hopes to have two Pope and Young bucks to his name.

coues deer

Derek Harris

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Unit 24, NM

Derek says he shot this buck at 6 yards with his PSE X-force.  The buck scored 70 1/8″.

coues deer

Paul Navarre 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 13, 2009

Paul shot this 92 inch buck (net 87) with his bow.  You can read more about his hunt in the discussion forum.

Barry Fish 2009

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 5, 2009

Southeastern AZ

This is Barry’s 71st archery deer (including Muleys and Coues)!!!  Wow! This buck scores 73 7/8.

Coues deer

Nathan Lacost 2008

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Dec. 2008

Buck was rough scored green at 125 5/8″ outside spread 21″ shot in Gila county at 20 yards from treestand,with BowTech Patriot VFT GoldTip arrows and Thunderhead 100 broadheads..

You can read his hunt story also.

coues deer

Byron Strom 2008

June 6, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Archery Gallery with 0 Comments

Aug. 2008

” The 2008 Arizona August archery deer hunt will always be one to remember. I shot this brute on opening day, sitting water. This happened to be the first time that I have ever laid eyes on this particular buck, but I knew the potential of the Coues deer in this area. I shot him at 38 yards, and three hours later I found him (To make a long story short).

He green scored around 120”, but I’m still waiting to get an official P&Y score. I would like to thank my friend Gilbert Rivera, for getting off of work early and driving a long way just to help me find my buck; and after enjoy a couple of cold ones.

This is my second Arizona Coues Deer, and my whole life, I’ve been Muley Crazy. I think that I officially have the “Bug”, and I’m absolutely hooked on Coues Deer now!”

coues deer

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