Danny Howard 2005
Nov 2005
New Mexico
The first photo shows the buck alive. The second photo shows Danny’s kids with the buck. The kids are wearing hats and there is a decal in the truck window. Thanks for the support Howard family!
And the last photo shows Danny with the buck in the field. Rough score on the buck is 97 inches gross.
Here is a link to Danny’s hunt story in the discussion forum.
Jim Watters 2005
Nov 2005
Unit 22, New Mexico.
Jim shot his first Coues with a perfect shot at 75 yards. His friend Travis helped him on the hunt. The buck scored 75 inches.
Kevin Phillips 2003
New Mexico
Kevin got this 87 inch buck in 2003. Looks bigger than 87 inches to me!
And Kevin sent in this photo of shed from unit 16 in NM. Check out the mass on that!
Ray Trejo 2004
Jan 2004
New Mexico
Looks like a great buck. Ray can’t wait to get out there again this January.
Danny Howard 2004
Nov 2004
It was a tough hunt. Danny only saw 3 bucks in 4 days. This one was the biggest. He is a 4 x 4 and looks to score in the very low 80’s. Danny took him with his .270WSM at 318 yards in the evening of the second day of the hunt. The next morning when he was packing him out he saw a small 2 point with a non-typical left antler. Then the following day when glassing for some mule deer for his hunting partner, he spotted another small 3 point down in the flats of where they were hunting.
Austin Adams 2004
Nov 2004
Austin got this buck with the help of his father, Scott Adams. If you want to read about his hunt, you can go to thediscussion forum where they posted the story.
Jeff Davison 2001
Dec. 2001
New Mexico
Jeff sat down in a saddle to stay out of a very cold wind. This buck walked past him at 25 yards. The buck was following a doe. The doe saw Jeff and turned around, but the buck kept going.
Dudley Britt 2001
Dec. 2001
New Mexico
This was Dudley’s second Coues deer, and it’s a dandy. It’s a heavy-antlered buck that he took at 274 with a .270. They originally spotted this buck at 1000 yards using 15 power binoculars on a tripod.
This buck officially scores 105 5/8 gross and 100 0/8 net.
If you look close you can see this buck is missing his nose. The hunters could see right inside it. Don’t know if it’s a birth defect or an injury, but it sure is odd.
Dan Burnett
Unit 24, New Mexico
Dan got this fine buck in NM. He says the photo doesn’t show it, but the buck had double eyeguards.
Ruston Clifford 2003
early rifle hunt 2003
New Mexico
Darren Jensen, Ruston and Bret Mattausch hunted the early hunt and had a good hunt. They saw some really good deer and Ruston got lucky and connected on this nice buck. It was scored by an AZGFD warden at 97 inches and some change (net) and is a 3 pointer. He shot it at around 40 yards as it was running right at him and Darren after Bret had busted it out of a steep juniper choked draw. After what they saw this year they are planning to go again next year.
Mark Boulanger 2003
New Mexico
This fine buck scores right around 100 inches. It has some excellent mass through those main beams. The bases are 4 inch circumference.
Unit 19A New Mexico 1998
Nov. 1998
This great 3×3 nets 105 6/8. It has a 15 inch inside spread and its main beams are 19 3/8 and 18 7/8.
Marha M. Montez 1994
New Mexico
This great buck nets 124 7/8! It is a 6×4 and has a 12 6/8 inch inside spread
Jeff Rivera 2001
Southwest New Mexico
This fine 5×6 buck scored 98 7/8 as a non-typical even with several broken large tines. The year after Jeff took this buck, he was hunting the same area, and found his sheds from the year before he shot him. Jeff says he will send in the photos of those sheds sometime soon.
Danny Howard 2002
November 2002
Unit 26, New Mexico
The buck is a nice 4 x 4 and gross scores 93 7/8″. Danny had to put a 400 yard stalk on him, crawling on his hands and knee’s! The crawl too him an hour and a half and then he made a 330 yard shot to get the buck.
Donald Wenner 2007 and 2008
New Mexico
Donald seems to have no trouble at all getting Coues bucks with his muzzleloader. Here are his 07 and 08 bucks and his 06 buck is shown at the top of this page. His 2004 buck is here.
2007 Buck On the last morning of the hunt I was able to get a shot at this buck at 154 yards. He was on the same hillside where I had seen him the day before, but this time I was within range. He scores 87″.
2008 Buck My brother and I had only 2 days to hunt due to school and work commitments, so on the final day after not glassing up any bucks all morning we decided to work our way through thicker cover in the hopes of jumping something up. I was in the lead when this buck jumped up at less than 10 yards and when I got a clear shooting lane at 40 yards I shot and hit him good. My brothers and I had seen this buck several times over the past 2 seasons, but he had always eluded us before. He scores 95″ with only a 10″ inside spread.
Jim Watters 2007
Oct. 30, 2007
Jim got this buck with his muzzleloader at 200 yards. Travis helped him out on this hunt.
Travis Edwards 2007
Oct. 28, 2007
Travis got this buck with a 175 yard shot from his muzzleloader. His good friend Jim (see buck below) helped him out. Buck scores about 105 3/8. You can read more about the hunt in the forum.
Donald Wenner 2006
New Mexico
This is Donald’s Oct. ’06 coues buck shot with a .45cal muzzleloader in NM. This young buck should score in the lower 70’s.
Mark Boulanger 2006
Oct. 2006
New Mexico
Mark shot this buck with a muzzleloader at 168 yards. Congrats Mark!
Scott Adams 2006
October 2006
Unit 23, NM
Scott went with friend Chris Ellis on a muzzleloader hunt in New Mexico. He got a fine buck, but also had quite the adventure. Scott glassed up the bucks a couple miles and a couple thousand feet in elevation below them (see photo). By the time they got there several hours later, the bucks had moved and Scott and Chris were almost out of water. They decided to give it one more try and walked through some brush in the hopes the bucks were there. One came out and Scott was able to connect with it at 54 yards. Since they were far from their vehicles, out of water, and it was almost dark, they ended up spending the night out under a juniper tree without sleeping bags or other shelter. It was a long cold night, but eventually they made it out and were able to get a ride from some other hunters. In all Scott said they must have hiked 12 miles! You can see more pics and read more details by clicking this link to the forum:
Scott Higgins 2005
Nov 2005
Unit 34B, Arizona
Scott took this buck on a muzzleloader hunt in 2005. He had his buck scored and it is officially entered in the Longhunter recordbook (the recordbook for trophies taken witha muzzleloader). It is the new #3 Coues buck in that recordbook! The buck is 18.5 inches wide and is a 4×4 plus eyeguards. The official score is 114 1/8 (SCI). Scott is in the top photo while the bottom photo shows his brother Ron with Scott’s buck also.
Jason Sherwood 2005
(aka desertsheep)
Jason got this buck at 238 yards with a 50cal. knight revolution muzzleloader. This buck scores around 98 inches.
Donald Wenner 2004
Southwestern NM
Donald got this great old buck with his muzzleloader at 64 yards. He said the buck’s teeth were worn down to the gumline and the buck itself was very large bodied.
It gross scored 109 6/8 and had an inside spread of 15 inches.
Dave Samer 2004
Unit 36A, Arizona
Dave shot this spike buck with his muzzleloader on the second weekend of the November rifle hunt last year (2004) in the Cerro Colorados in unit 36A. He was hunting with his brother. They glassed him up in the morning, saw him bed down, and then Dave was able to successfully stalk and shoot from around 25 yards using his .50 cal T/C Hawken. This is his first Coues with a muzzleloader after missing several much larger bucks. He hopes this is not his last.