Carlos Terrazas 2006
Dec. 29, 2006
Chihuahua, Mexico
Danny Carrasco, a friend of Carlos, sent these photos in and had this to say about Carlos’ hunt:
R.H. Bryant 2007
Sonora, Mexico
This amazing buck grosses 130 inches! R. H. shot this buck at 350 yards with a 7mm STW. They were on waiting on another buck that they thought was 120″. But another guide called them and suggested they needed to come over to see a different buck. So they hiked out and were successful at getting this larger buck! This was R.H.’s third Coues deer.
Jimmy Mullins 2007
Jan. 2007
(aka Coosefan)
Chihuahua, Mexico
Jim’s buck is another amazing buck that scores 109 3/8 (only 2/8 difference from the one his father got!). You can read details about his hunt in the forum.
Jim Mullins 2007
Jan. 2007
(aka Pops)
Chihuahua, Mexico
Jim hunted with his son (Jimmy, aka Coosefan) and they found this buck along with a 105 inch buck on the first day of his hunt. Jim’s buck grosses 109 5/8. You can read details about his hunt and see more photos in the forum.
Craig 2006
Dec. 2006
Craig was just introduced to Coues hunting this past Dec. and he thinks he is hooked. He has hunted the eastern whitetail with a bow and shotgun in Ohio for the past 7 years, but says they are no comparison to the Coues buck.
Craig is on the right inthe photo and his uncle Larry Irwin is on the left. Craig would like to thank his aunt Diann and uncle Larry for taking him on this hunt.
The buck is a 4×5 plus eyeguards and unofficially scores 116. It was shot with a .270 and this was his first Coues buck!!
Andy Stone 2007
Jan. 2007
The first picture shows Andy (left) and his father KC (right) with Andy’s buck. He killed this buck in Sonora on January 3rd. Killing a buck of this caliber was a dream come true for Andy. He rough scores 115″.
Jay Scott 2006
Dec. 2006
Sonora, Mexico
Jay shot him with his 257 weatherby at over 400 yards. He has 17 1/2 inch main beams, 12 2/8 wide, and has a 3 inch extra eye guard. He grosses right at 115″. Jay’s friend and hunting partner Darr Colburn spotted the buck and let Jay shoot him so he deserves all of the credit. This buck tops Jay’s personal best buck,which was 113″.
Jay and his friends have put together a DVD of some great hunts in Mexico called Extreme Coues. They have been filming their hunts this year in preparation for putting out another DVD next year. Already they have some great hunts on film.
Jim Vincent 2006
Dec. 2006
Sonora, Mexico
Jim got this buck in Mexico and it scores 113 inches gross. He has 20′ main beams and has an inline extra G3 that looks like a salad fork. G2’s are 9′. This is the biggest buck Jim has ever shot. He shot him at 200 yards running up the hill then stopped. This is the second buck that Jim killed this year. He took a 98 incher that’s 15 inches wide on a stateland october hunt as well. As he says, he has been very lucky this year!
Marco A. Inigo Pavlovich 1999
Dec. 1999
Hermosillo, Sonora
Marco got this amazing buck in 1999. Marco says the score is 156 B&C! Amazing buck with lots of non-typical points! Marco also has another buck from Mexico posted here.
Mike Penrod 2005
Dec. 31, 2005
Sonora, Mexico
Mike got this unique buck on the first afternoon of his hunt. This buck rough gross scored 106 despite having a broken g-3 on his left side. Mike used his reliable .257 Roberts to take this buck at 320 yards.
Wayne Newman 2004-2006
2004-05 and 05-06
Sonora, Mexico
The first photo shows Wayne’s very first Coues buck! He was 10 years old and he took that 105 inch buck with a .270 Winchester at 310 yards! And it was only 10 am on the first day of the hunt!
The second photo shows Wayne the following year with another excellent buck (106 inches). He took it again with a .270 Winchester but this time it was a 460 yard shot! It was the first day of his hunt and only 7:30 am! Talk about beginner’s luck!
Wayne’s father, Pat helped him on both hunts and says his son is deadly calm when he is shooting. He has turrets on the scope so they can dial in the distance (that way Wayne doesn’t have to estimate hold over and ballistics and such when he is in the field).
Charles E. Fox 2006
Jan 2006
Sonora, Mexico
Charles got this monster buck during his hunt in Mexico. This buck gross scores 125 7/8 and nets 122 3/8. The buck has 20 inch main beams!
When Charles first spotted this buck it was so far away and it stood still so long that he convinced himself that it wasn’t a deer and his massive antlers were just part of a tree. Later in the day he hiked over there and checked the area and found this buck bedded down near where he had seen him earlier in the morning.
David Hernandez
This buck was taken on the last evening of the hunt after some serious buck fever and five shots and one ridge later my hunter finally got him down. This buck is on his down side being only a fork he gross scores at 109 5/8, Would have liked to seen him in his prime.
Craig Shelley 2006
Jan 2006
Sonora, Mexico
Craig got this great buck while hunting with a rancher friend in Mexico.
Craig has gotten nice bucks in AZ too.
Ken Warlick 2005
Dec 2005
(aka Blaserman)
Ken’s buddy is shown in the top photo with a 98 3/8 inch buck. The middle photo shows a nice collection of Coues at a lodge. And the bottom photo is Ken with his 94 3/8 inch buck.
Brett and Broc Brimhall 2005
Dec 2005
Sonora, Mexico
Brett is shown in the upper photo with his 95 inch buck. The 2nd photo shows Broc with a massive buck that scores about 105. The 3rd photo shows another view of the 105 buck.
Steve Clark 2005
Steve has been self-guiding himself for several years on a particular ranch in Mexico. He finally scored on a really great buck!
This deer grosses 122 1/2″ and net right at 115″. It has the largest body Steve has ever seen. Keep in mind that he is 6’4″ and weighs about 270 lbs.
Here is a link to more discussion about it in the forum.
Jason Sherwood
Jason has hunted several times in Mexico. The buck in the top photo scores 103. The 2nd buck is 101 inches. The 3rd photo is of a 99 inch buck.
Albert Mendoza
Jan 2005
Sonora, Mexico
The top picture and bottom picture are of Albert’s buck and the center picture is of all three of the hunters. The center buck scores 107″, the other two are 100″ . Notice how the main beams on Albert’s buck and the center buck’s really curve in. They said they saw many bucks with these same main beam characteristics.
Patrick Seekins 2005
Jan 2005
Sonora, Mexico
Gross score 107 5/8
Killed with 7mm rem mag at 411 yards. Patrick would like to thank Chris Jacob for the leg work and paper work to make this hunt happen.
Danny Carrasco 2004
Dec 2004
Chihuaha, Mexico
Danny got this excellent buck on the 2nd day of his hunt. He got the buck with a .270 at 465 yards.
This buck has a 15 2/8 inside spread. It scores about 112 inches.
Jeff Eager 2004
Dec 2004
Jeff got this buck on the 3rd day of his 5 day Mexico hunt.
The outside spread is 17 3/4 with 17 1/2 ” main beams. He will probably net just under 110” .
Jeff’s son Gavin and daughter Bailey wanted to pose with his buck too!
Colby Shephard
Colby says this beautifully symmetrical buck is a pick-up from Mexico and scores 110 inches.
Jorge Camou
Sonora, Mexico
These two awesome bucks were pick-ups from the low desert. The really wide buck officially nets 152!!! The second photo shows a side view of that buck. Check out the palmation.
The other buck nets 141 as a non-typical. The tine length on that buck is truly amazing. Just the typical mainframe of that buck nets 134 as a 3×3! The last photo shows that buck up on the wall. You can see the mass and height of that rack.