Darr Coburn 2007
Dec. 2007
Sonora, Mexico
Darr shot his buck at about 200 yards. It grosses 116′ He shot it with his .257 Weatherby. Jay got it all on video.
Jay Scott 2007
Dec. 2007
Sonora, Mexico
Jay’s buck is 109 gross and it was taken at just over 400 yards with my 257 Weatherby. Darr captured it all on video. This buck and the buck below will be on the new Extreme Coues DVD.
Jimmy Vincent 2007
Dec. 2007
Sonora, Mexico
Jimmy shot this buck at about 200 yards with his .257 Weatherby. He grosses 105.
Casey Brooks 2007
Dec. 2007
Sonora, Mexico
Casey shot this buck with his Hoyt bow at 25 yards. The buck scores 97 inches.
Danny Carrasco 2008
Jan. 2008
Chihuahua, Mexico
Here is what Danny had to say about his hunt:
I harvested this buck in Chihuahua Mexico Jan. 2008 at 499 yds. with a 270. I had seen several really good bucks this particular morning. This buck just seem to catch my attention. I glassed him running off a smaller buck that was trying to get a little to close to a doe he was tending. There were 3 other bucks in the area within 75 yards of this one. It scores in the 130’s.
One of the pictures is me and my brother Paul, who was with me when I shot the buck. We have hunted together for over 30 years for this little coues deer, and I was glad that he was with me at time that I harvested it.
Brian Rimsza 2008
Jan. 2008
Sonora, Mexico
Brian hunted with Andrew but never manage to connect on one as big as his friend took. On the last day at 5pm, Brian shot a really wide 3 x 3 that scored 99 2/8″.
Andrew Allen 2008
Jan. 2008
Sonora, Mexico
Andrew managed to make a perfect 264 yard shot on a great buck. His buck scores 111 7/8.
Steve Presnal 2008
Sonora, Mexico
Steve enjoyed his hunt in Mexico and took a buck and a photo of a very nice buck. The photo was taken after he walked up on this buck within 40 yards when it was bedded down.
Raul “Rulo” Arrizon 2003
Sonora, Mexico
Raul shot this buck a few years ago in Mexico. It gross scores 120 1/8.
Eduardo Barrett 2008
Sonora, Mexico
Eduardo was hunting in Sonora 3 weeks ago, with his two brothers, Jaime and Enrique. They live in Tijuana, Mexico, just across the border south of San Diego.
Eduardo has hunted coues deer throughout Sonora since he was 17 years old. This buck was his best buck so far and grosses 108.
He also sent a picture of his trophy room, some of these animals were taken with a rifle and some with bow and arrow. The big buck ( Life size ) was hunted by his brother Enrique in 1995, score 125 7/8 net, my one is around 108 gross.
Eduardo hunted the Bear with a bow in the white mountains in Arizona.
Eduardo said, “The place we hunted is close to Hermosillo, Sonora. We call that place THE KAIBAB OF THE COUES DEER”
Jay Jones 2008
Jan 2008
Sonora, Mexico
This amazing buck unofficially scores 142 inches! Read Jay’s hunt story.
Temo Paz 2007
Dec. 2007
Sonora, Mexico
Temo shot this giant 126 inch buck at 100 yards! Temo invited me to hunt with him on this hunt, but I couldn’t go due to family commitments. Look what I missed out on! Ouch! What a great looking buck!
Antonio Trespalacios 2007
Dec. 2007
Chihuahua, Mexico
Green score 108. Antonio got this buck with a 350 yard shot from a .300 Win magnum.
Rafael Quevedo 2006
Dec. 2006
Chihuahua, Mexico
Rafael got this buck with his 22-250 at 250 yards. The buck gross scores 107. With him in the photo is his son Daniel.
Enrique Quevedo 1978
Dec. 1978
Chihuahua, Mexico
Enrique got this buck with a shot from his .30-06 at 230 yards. Gross unofficial score on this buck is 168 4/8. Enrique’s son Rafael sent in the photo and information on it. Amazing buck!
Louie Polish, Jr. 2007
Jan. 2007
Sonora, Mexico
This is Louie’s first coues buck and it’s a 5×5 that gross scores 123″! Louie says he is hooked on Coues and plans to head to Mexico again this Dec.
Kevin Kearney 2006
Dec. 2006
Sonora, Mexico
Kevin got this amazing buck with a 415 yard shot from his .300RUM with a 180 grain nosler balistic tip bullet. His guides green scored this buck at 151 4/8 non-typical. WOW!! Congratulations on a trophy of a lifetime Kevin!
Greg Lewis 2007
Sonora, Mexico
Greg took two fine bucks this year in Mexico. One he got with his rifle (top photo) and it scores 108 7/8 SCI. The second he got with his muzzleloader at 90 yards. It scores 114 5/8 SCI.
Greg had an outstanding hunting season in 2006-07 including elk, mule deer and these fine Coues. Read his hunt story here.
Luis Terrazas 2007
Chihuahua, Mexico
Luis (Carlos’ brother) shot this fine 132 inch buck on the same ranch as the others on this page.
Danny Carrasco 2007
Chihuahua, Mexico
Danny got this 117 inch buck on the same ranch owned by Carlos Terrazas. Danny killed a great buck last year also in Mexico.
Rodrigo Terrazas 2007
Chihuahua, Mexico
Rodrigo is the 8 year old son of Carlos Terrazas and is already a big buck killer! This is a 107 inch buck. Congratulations Rodrigo! Shown with him in the photo is friend Danny Carrasco.
Carlos Terrazas 2007
Chihuahua, Mexico
Carlos owns a ranch in Mexico and has killed several large bucks there over the past several years. This one is a 120 inch buck. It has 5 points on the left side. In the photo with Carlos is his son Rodrigo (who killed a giant deer also, see below). here is a link to the buck Carlos got last year.
Mike Penrod 2006
Dec. 20, 2006
Sonora, Mexico
Mike rough scored this buck at 106 inches. This buck was taken on the same ranch that he hunted last year (click here to see photo of that buck). Mike shot this buck on the third day of his hunt at 383 yards while the buck was in his bed using a .300 WSM.
Ernesto Cibrian 2007
Jan 2007
(aka ErnestoC )
Sonora, Mexico
Ernesto got another nice buck this year! This is his largest buck to date and he thinks it scores about 105 inches. Check out the extra long eyeguards. Ernesto’s brother Tony (shown in last photo) helped him out on the hunt.
Danny Carrasco 2006
Dec. 30, 2006
Chihuahua, Mexico
Here is what Danny says about his hunt:
This is the buck I shot on the 30th of Dec. in Chihuahua, Mexico. I shot it the day after my friend (Carlos Terrazas) had shot his. He is also pictured beside me in one of my pics. We were glassing several really nice bucks (over 100 in.) across a deep canyon, when I decided to harvest this buck because he was so unique (unusual, rare) whatever. He has like an extra main beam which is 11 in. long and another tine that kind of grows like back toward the skull. I really like the way his antler are. He scores 112 in.