
Matt Hopkins Coues Shed Antler 1995


Matt found this monster coues shed antler while doing some wildlife work up near the Black River.  Awesome find Matt! You can see another photo of that coues shed above in the photo with the beaver pelt in it.

Matt is currently a biologist with the San Carlos Recreation and Wildlife Dept.

coues shed antler

coues shed antler

Hutch Noline 1993


R-100 unit, San Carlos

Hutch found these two bucks interlocked.  They had obviously been fighting but got hopelessly locked together and eventually died from fatigue.  These two are very large bucks, however it was only due to the very small point shown in the middle of the close-up that caused them to become entangled.  Even now it is impossible to get them untangled.

Hutch found these bucks during a javelina hunt in the winter of 1993.  Most likely the bucks died during the rut in December 1992 or Jan 1993.  Hutch found a leg bone and got curious enough to start searching around.  Then he found the locked antlers.  What a shame to lose two great bucks this way.  Hutch said these bucks scored in the 90’s.


Mark Clark 1995

Nov. 1995

Unit B, San Carlos

This buck scores 97 4/8 and is an exceptional 2 point (3 pt including eyeguards)!  It has 4 3/8 inch bases and a 14 7/8 inch inside spread.  This buck carries his mass far out on his main beam and on the 2nd points.


Larry Holland 1995


San Carlos

This buck won the annual competition in 1995 for the non-typical category.  It scores 119 6/8.  It is a 4×6 and ranks #53 in the book.


Larry Holland 1987


San Carlos

This deer was rough scored by John Doyle at 115 gross.  The largest back tines are a little over 11 inches and both are forked.


Larry Holland 1986


San Carlos

This deer was unofficially scored by John Doyle at 105 inches.


Patrick Bernard 2001

January 2001

Unit C, San Carlos Apache Reservation

This is a nice 5×5 that scores around 96 inches.  Pat actually mistook this one for a monster Coues that he was hunting for several days.  Still it’s a really nice buck.


The Dude Brothers 2002

Fall 2002

Unit A, San Carlos Apache Reservation, Arizona

Dino Dude sent this photo of his kids with their Coues deer.  I believe they shot them in October/November 2002.  JR is the oldest boy on the right, Eric is in the middle and Vince is on the left side of the truck.  Vince shot his deer with an open-sighted 30-30 at 300 yards while it was running!!  Congratulations to all the boys!


Patrick Bernard 2003

January 2003

Unit A, San Carlos Apache Reservation, Arizona

Pat watched this buck for 3 days.  The buck was in a spot that was impossible to hunt in the classic spot and stalk way.  The land was fairly flat and very thick with oak, juniper, pinon, and manzanita.  The morning he killed this buck he slowly walked through the area where he had been seeing this buck.  After several hours, he finally saw the buck and shot him….at 20 yards!!!  This buck is a massive 3×3 (including eyeguards).


Jeff McFadden 2002

October 2002

R-100 unit, San Carlos Apache Reservation, Arizona

This 5×4 buck net scores 94 7/8 as a non-typical.

1st circumference: 3 4/8 on both sides

main beam lengths: 14 4/8 on right, 13 5/8 on left

inside spread: 11 0/8

abnormal points: 1 pt 3 7/8 inches long


Ron Nadzieja 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Dec. 12, 2008

Sonora, Mexico

Ron got this fine buck in December and says it net scored 116 6/8.


Marco Antonio Iñigo Pavlovich 2009

Jan 25, 2009

Sonora, Mexico

Marco shot this buck at a cattle drinker where Marco had built a natural blind.  He sat in the blind often during the season and finally saw this buck come in on Jan 25, 2009.  It was only at 30 m when he first saw it.  Marco waited for it to finish drinking and then he got a shot at 16 yards.  The buck tentatively measured at 118 pts. He used DXT mathews bow, arrow Lightspeed, Rage 100 Grs.

Jay Scott 2009

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan 2009

Sonora, Mexico


Jay got this amazing buck while hunting a ranch with some friends.  You can read more about his 134 inch buck in his hunt story.


Steve Leone 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Dec. 30, 2008
Hermosillo, Mexico

Coues scoring 97 5/8 SCI was shot at 185 Yards with a Remington Model 700, 300 Ultra Mag with 150 Grain Bullet.


Adolfo Clouthier 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Sonora, Mexico

From Adolfo:

“This photo was taken jan 31st 2009. I was hunting on an elevated tower inside the Alamos sierra range when this big boy stepped out from heavy cover at about 350 yards guarding a doe. In the south of Sonora the rut starts later in the season, and here it was just starting. I watched with my binoculars for about a half an hour to let him come in closer and finally I took a shot at him at 4:30 pm with my winchester model 70 7mm rem mag at about 270 yards and hit him high in the shoulder and he piled up like a ton of bricks. I was very lucky because throughout the hunt I saw about 30 different bucks, none of this class”


Phil Cramer 2009

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 2009

Sonora, Mexico

From Phil:

“I took him on January 21, 2009 in Sonora on a Do It Yourself hunt. I shot him at 385 yards with a Remington 300 Ultra Mag SA. He scores in at even 103″. This hunt wouldn’t of been possible without my hunting partner Jim Parker!”

You can read a lot more about his hunt in the discussion forum.


B.G. Hernandez 2009

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 2009

Sonora, Mexico

B.G. shot this fine buck with a Blaser .270 Weath. Mag. at about 250 yards.


Darr Colburn 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Dec. 2008

Darr went to Mexico with his friend Jay Scott and they battled 20+ mph winds, but still managed to get this great 110 buck.  This buck has four little extra stickers on him.


Greg Lewis 2008

Jan. 11, 2008

Greg took this buck with his muzzleloader.  He recently had it officially scored and it is the new #1 SCI non-typical Coues (for muzzleloader).  It officially scored 119 5/8.  Its main beams were each over 18 inches long and it had a total of 14 points including the main beams.  Greg is making a habit out of killing big bucks!  Last year he killed a buck with his muzzleloader that is the #2 SCI typical Coues.  Link to last year’s buck.

coues deer

Anthony Tomasi 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments


Chihuahua, Mexico

This monster non-typical scores in the low 120’s.


Miguel Angel Lafontaine 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Sonora, Mexico

Miguel got two nice bucks with a 30-06 rifle. One buck scored about 102 and one about 95 inches. Miguel lives in Hermosillo, Mexico.


Ty Goodman 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan 2008

Sonora, Mexico

Ty got this 116 inch buck with a 274 yard shot.  He passed up three bucks over 105 in the hopes of tagging this monster typical buck.


Mark Worischeck 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 2008
Sonora, Mexico

It was the last day of the hunt. That morning was very slow and we only saw a couple of small bucks. Around 10 a.m. we spotted a new buck in an area we had hunted hard all week. We only got some quick glimpses of it through the brush – but it appeared to be a heavy buck with stickers. We stalked toward it and when we came up where we thought he was – we were amazed to see it was massive. The buck was facing away from us about 300 yards. It was with a doe. It looked like it was getting ready to take off. We waited over 2 minutes trying to get it to turn broadside. It finally did and I took the shot and it dropped dead.

This buck is a monster 8×9 non-typical scoring 123 4/8.

Terry Organ, Jared Organ, Ron Knight 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Sonora, Mexico

Here is what Jared said about their hunt:

We only had 4 days to hunt. We hunted way south of the border (7 hours driving straight through) and the ranches we were on were very very thick. It was hard to find places to glass from as the brush was taller than us in most places. It was also hard to find a deer in a clearing. On top of it all it was very overcast and raining all week.

The first pic (the one with the broken main beams) is Terry with his buck. This buck was shot at 50 yds and due to how close he was and the magnification of the binos we all thought he was bigger than he is. He scores 92 inches as is and about 98 inches if you credit his main beams.

the 2nd pic (the one with the rifle) is Jared with his buck. It was my first time in mexico and I was holding out for 100 inch class buck, but we weren’t seeing any and when I spotted this buck about a mile away i thought I would get closer and see if I could relocate him in the thickness and get a shot. Terry came with me to help and we got to a clear place where I could get in a prone position and get a good rest and as luck would have it we relocated the buck. It was thursday at noon and so after looking him over for about 2 minutes( he was headed back for the thick brush) i decided to shoot him. I shot him at 517 yards. He scores 90 inches and is my biggest coues.

The third buck (the one with the fog) This is Ron’s buck. It was Ron’s first coues deer hunt. He held out until friday morning and shot his buck in the fog at 75 yds as it was chasing a doe. His buck scores 91 inches and he was thrilled. He definetly is hooked on coues now.

Great memories, tough hunting (what coues deer hunt isn’t?) and we got some more experience.


Heriberto Garay 2008

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Jan. 20, 2008

Nogales, Mexico


Kirk Coburn 2007

June 9, 2012 by CouesWhitetail in Mexico Gallery with 0 Comments

Dec. 2007
Sonora, Mexico

Kirk (who is Darr’s brother) shot this buck at 450 yards. Jay and Darr had seen this buck several times and on this day, Darr glassed him up and Kirk was able to make the shot. The buck grossed 106, with 32 inches of mass!


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