
Brandon McDermott 2010

San Carlos Reservation

Brandon got the buck of his dreams when he shot this non-typical.  You can read the story here.

The first photo shows the 105 ” buck his buddy Mark Boulanger shot on the same hunt.

Matthew Phillips 2009

Jan. 2009

R100 unit, San Carlos Apache Reservation

Matthew got this great buck at last light.  His buck grosses about 111 and nets 109 1/8.

Matthew has taken many great bucks on San Carlos and the photos of his trophy wall show some of them, including his 111 buck.


Lee Ott 2009

Jan. 2009

R100 unit, San Carlos Apache Reservation

Lee’s buck scores about 109.  It has 18 inch main beams and over 16″ of mass on each side.  Inside spread was 15 4/8.


Casey Hayes 2007-08


The last buck was taken by Casey Hayes.  He made a great spot on a bedded buck that was about 95”-100” and about 2000 yards away.  They moved in to 480 yards and began to wait for the buck to stand, due to a bush blocking the vitals.  After about 45 minutes Jason started ranging other spots on the hillside and there in his range finder was a buck rubbing a tree.  1 shot at 430 yards and the 99 inch buck was done; they never saw the bedded buck again.  Shot at 1:30 P.M. with a Lazzaroni.


Jason Bond and JJ Ess 2007-08


The wide buck on left was taken by Jason Bond. They found the buck 2 days before and could not get a shot; 2 days later they found the buck close to a mile away from the original spot were Jason saw him. The buck was chasing a doe, and Jason moved into 380 yards and dropped him in his tracks with a .257 mag.  The buck is a 4×4 with a gross score of 104”.  Since it was prime hunting time, both Jason and JJ continued to glass and another buck walked over the ridge towards the doe that Jason’s buck had been chasing.  That 2nd buck was shot at 430 yards and is a 93” buck.  JJ Ess used a 300 short mag.  Both bucks were shot in the early morning.


Matt Nermeyer 2007-08

Gross score is 102”. Matt only had 3 days to hunt (turns out he only needed 1 day!).  The buck was bedded after 30 minutes got up and Matt made a great 440 yard shot using a 257 mag.  He shot at 1:00 P.M.


John Howard 2007

Jan. 2007

  John got this excellent buck on the San Carlos Reservation in Jan. 2007.  He taped it out at 113 inches.  He shot the buck with his 300 WSM at 418 yards.  John is having a great hunting season.  He got a buck the month before in Unit 32.


Dewey Wesley, Jr. 2005

2004 and 2005

Dewey was able to sneak up and arrow a Coues buck two years in a row!  Congratulations Dewey!


Tony Villegas 2005

Oct 2005
Unit A, San Carlos

Tony was hunting with his wife when they found this buck. They got to a canyon around 2 miles from the road and found this buck running up the other side. Tony missed twice, and the third time the buck stopped he was skylined so he had to watch in disappointment as he disappeared. They started toward a saddle on the same ridge he ran over to see if he was anywhere in sight. Tony’s brother wanted to make sure there wasn’t any blood where we last saw him. Then Tony saw him walking up the other side of that canyon. He was about 450 yds away so we snuck in closer.335 yds out Tony set up for the shot and this time connected. He didn’t realize the buck was as nice as he was until they walked up to him.

The last two photos are field photos. The bottom pic shows Tony (right) and his brother Dan (left).


Jason Sherwood

Units B and D, San Carlos

Jason has hunted quite a bit on San Carlos.  The top photo shows a buck that scores 88 inches and was from unit B.  The 2nd photo is a 98 inch buck from unit D.


Michael Frazier 2004

Nov 2004

San Carlos Reservation

Mike says this buck scores about 95 inches.  He thought it was bigger when he shot it at a far range.


John Howard 2004

Dec 2004
(aka jlhcoues)

San Carlos Reservation

John says this buck scored about 94 inches. And he saw over 60 bucks on this hunt.  Most were around 80-85 inches, but he also saw several “moss back bucks”.


Matthew Phillips 2005

Jan 1, 2005

R-100 unit, San Carlos Reservation

Matthew says this is his first big Coues deer and it scored 109 3/8.  This was a hunt of a lifetime for him.  He had a great hunt and saw about 35-40 bucks, average was about 80 inches.  He said this buck was rutting, but some areas they hunted the does were alone.

Matthew worked his way to within 300 yards of the buck and waited for a good shot.  He was able to snap a photo through his spotted scope before he killed the buck.  One shot with his .280 did the trick.

Congrats on a great buck from an awesome hunting area!

(update Nov 7, 2005, posted pic of the buck after it was mounted. see bottom photo)


John Kuban and R. Todd Henderson 2005

Nov. 2005

Unit B, San Carlos

Todd (on the left) and John (on the right) had a very successful hunt on San Carlos.  They will be sending in some more info on the hunt.


John Howard 2002


San Carlos Apache Reservation

John says this buck scored 109 inches. Looks like some nice mass carried up into his tines.


Bill Willis 2002

( found in 2002 by tribal member)

San Carlos Reservation

Bill lives in Ft. Thomas and bought this buck from a tribal member who found it dead somewhere on the San Carlos.

It grosses about 117 and nets 109 6/8 as a non-typical.

Measurement Right Left
main beam length 16 4/8 18 0/8
1st point 2 3/8 3 5/8
2nd point 4 5/8 8 0/8
3rd point 5 4/8 4 5/8
1st circumference 4 3/8 4 3/8
total abnormal points 9 2/8 (3 points)
insides spread 14 2/8


Tim Stevens Bucks

R100 unit, San Carlos

Tim killed this buck a few years ago.


Unit D-W, San Carlos

Tim killed this buck in October when it was still in velvet.  When he saw it he thought there were a couple drop tines.  But once he got up to the buck he realized that those “drop tines” were really long pieces of velvet hanging off the main beams.


Bob Stevens (owned by Tim Stevens)

Unit B, San Carlos

Bob Stevens found this buck in Skunk Canyon and Tim bought it from him.


Tim Stevens

Unit D, San Carlos

Tim shot this buck back in 1995.


Pick-up – Tim Stevens

(owned by Tim Stevens)

This rack was found in Unit C on the San Carlos.


Lion Kill – Tim Stevens

(owned by Tim Stevens)

Unit C, San Carlos

This buck was killed by a lion and found in Soldier Hole canyon.


Jeffrey Polk

(owned by Tim Stevens)

Unit C, San Carlos

Jeffrey shot this buck in Unit C.  I scored this buck years ago when I worked there.  It grosses 106 and nets 103 5/8.


Steve Stevens

(owned by Tim Stevens)

Steve found these sheds and had them mounted for display at the San Carlos Recreation and Wildlife Department.  Rough score is 106.  Check out the mass on this buck!


Tim Stevens

R100 unit, San Carlos

Tim shot this buck in the exclusive r100 unit of the San Carlos Reservation.  He rough scores it between 108-110 inches.

Tim Stevens is a law enforcement officer with the San Carlos Recreation and Wildlife Department and has a passion for Coues deer.  He has bought several sheds and racks from other tribal members (see below) to add to his collection.


Brian Marshall 2003

Nov 2003

San Carlos Reservation

Brian killed this buck after unsuccessfully trying to find a bigger one he had seen before.  This one has some really interesting main beams that look like drop tines.  This buck is a 5×5 that scores about 92 inches.


Vince Bishop

January 2004

San Carlos Reservation

Vince called this buck in to within 35 yards and shot it with a 30-378 Weatherby.  The buck scores about 100 inches and is 17 inches wide.


Brian Marshall 2004

Jan. 2004

San Carlos Reservation

Brian has been after this buck for several years.  He hunts Coues deer on the San Carlos quite often and found a shed from this buck two years ago that measured 54 7/8. He tried to hunt this buck in November, but wasn’t able to find him and instead killed a nice 5×5 that scored about 92 inches. This January, he connected with his buck.  The left side measured 52 4/8.  This 5×5 buck grosses 118 1/8 and nets 116 4/8.  He killed this deer within two miles of where he found the shed.

He hunted with Vince Bishop (below) and both called their bucks in by rattling and grunting.  Brian killed his buck with a 70 yard shot with a .257 Weatherby mag.


Joby Conley 2003


San Carlos Reservation

This awesome buck grossed 111 and nets 107.  Each antler is beautifully matched.


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