
Phillip Gaines 2005

Jan 2005
Unit 34A, AZ

Phillip and some friends found these sheds while javelina hunting. The top shed measures about 39 inches and the smallest shed actually has a little bit of a brow tine on it that is hard to see.


Mike Udall, Tim Maddock, Josh Epperson

Mike and Tim got photos on their trail cam of this buck and then invited Josh Epperson to come help find the shed from him.  Josh was able to find the shed with shows the unique forked 2nd tine on the right antler.

Here is a link to some discussion about that buck.


Tommy Riesgo 2004-05


Unit 34A, AZ

Tommy found this buck in an area they hunt.  This buck is still alive and has excellent mass and good tine length.


Jack Luffy

Jack says the pair of sheds is from a buck they have been watching and trying to kill for three years he is still alive!! & very smart. These sheds score around 95 w/out a spread. The right horn has kickers on the G1 & G3.

The shed in the lower photo scores 56. It has 5 1/4″ bases, a palmated G1, 6 points off the broken 16 1/2″ main beam, and it has a 2” kicker on the G3. When he found the horn, rodents had eaten it pretty bad, then he dropped it and it broke into 3 pieces. I couldn’t find the G3 so he used acrylic to rebuild it. Unfortunately, Jack has never seen this buck.


Terry Lambeth 2004

Dec 12, 2004
(aka 26-06)

Unit 33, Arizona

Terry found this pair about 7 feet apart. Great find!


Dan Hoffman 2004

Oct. 2004

Unit 24B, Arizona


Steve Lopez 2002

November 2002

Steve found this shed in Unit 33, Arizona. He didn’t have a larger picture or measurements to send me, but you can see some good tine length on this one.


Lyle Calkins 2004

June 2004
Unit 33, Arizona

Lyle found this awesome shed while shed hunting over the weekend.

Here are the measurements he got (and he says he measured it 3 times, just to be sure).

main beam: 17-4/8
G-1 4-2/8
G-2 9-3/8 Awesome!
G-3 9-6/8 awesome again

H-1 3-6/8
H-2 4
H-3 4
H-4 2-6/8

TOTAL 55-3/8
Estimate of inside spread 12″ so estimated score of this buck with both sides being equal is about 122 inches!

Lyle thought the shed looked to be a year or two old. He is hoping that this dude is still out there, or at least his offspring are.



Tim Maddock NM Shed

New Mexico

Tim found this shed while hunting in New Mexico.  It has an 18 1/2 inch main beam and scores 54 inches.  Tim also found a lion-killed buck while hunting in AZ. 


Phil Cramer Coues Shed Antler 2003

Nov and Dec 2003

Southern Arizona

Phil says he found these sheds during the Nov and Dec 03 hunt seasons.  Nice collection!

coues deer shed antler

coues shed antler

Byron Benson

Unit 34A, Arizona

Byron’s father found these sheds lying side by side along a trail as if the deer dropped the antlers while it was grazing.

The right side eyeguard is 2 3/4 inches long and is bladed. The first point is about 5 3/4 in. long, second point is 6 1/2 inches long, and the base of the right side is 4 1/4 inch thick. The main beam about 16 1/2.
The left side eyeguard is 3 1/2 inches long and is also bladed. The first point is 5 3/4 long, second point 6 1/2 long, and the left side also has a base of 4 1/4 thick. The main beam is about 17 inch long.

Bridger Hubbard 2002


Unit 28, Arizona

All these sheds were picked up in the same saddle on the same day!!! They say the biggest one one the end is from about a 120 inch buck.


Dan Stephens 2002


Cochise County, AZ

Another excellent set of sheds found by Dan the previous year.  This one nets 84 9/8.  The right side is 44 2/8 and the left side scored 43 6/8.


Dan Stephens 2003


Cochise County, AZ

This awesome set of sheds net scores 97 4/8, with the right side scoring 49 6/8 and the left 50 2/8.  Great buck!


Brett Mattausch 2003

June 18, 2003

Bret, his dad and uncle found all these Coues sheds during an afternoon of shed hunting in Southern AZ.  What a successful day!  The lower photo is a close-up of the largest shed they found that day.


Jim Reynolds Sheds


Unit 36C, Arizona

Jim says this 6 point (including eyeguard) has a 18 1/8 inch main beam and a base circumference of 4 3/8.  Total score is 65 2/8.


Unit 34A, Arizona

This nice antler is a 5 point with a 6-inch drop tine.  It has 18 5/8 main beam and a 4 1/2 inch base.  Total score is 64 1/8.

several yrs ago

Jim says this antler was found years ago, and was recently given to him by a close friend.

What a monster shed!!! The 3rd circumference is 7 inches! The main beam is 18 inches and the base circum. is 5 1/8.  It has 15 points and totals 83 5/8.  WOW!


Josh Epperson 1994



This non-typical coues is a great matched set of sheds scoring 106 0/8.


Michael Nichols

Unit 22 & 23, Arizona

The Coues sheds in the photo are from unit 22.  The other sheds are from 22 and 23.  He didn’t say what’s up with the orange shed!  Creative art?  Nice finds Michael.


Mick Holder 2002


Unit 23, Arizona

These are sheds from the same buck from different years.  The shed at the top of the photo has a 16 inch main beam.  The one at the bottom has a 17 inch main beam and 4 1/2 inch eyeguard.


Travis Holder 2002

Dec. 2002

Unit 23, Arizona

Some nice Coues sheds from three different bucks.


Larry Speer 2000


Unit 24A, Arizona

Travis Holder is in the photo but Larry found the sheds.  They have been stained and glossed, but they are a great set of matching antlers.  3 7/8 inch bases.


Mick Holder 1980’s


southern AZ

This monster shed doesn’t have long tines or a long main beam, but it has a 6 inch diameter base!  What a toad!  They never found the other side or that buck alive.


Phil Sledge

Unit 31, Arizona

Phil glassed up this shed on his Uncle’s mining claim at 468 yards.  The eyeguard measures 7 2/8 and the second tine measures 10 6/8.  He said he never had it officially measured but thinks it will score 70 by itself!

coues deer

Josh and Jennifer Epperson 1991-1997



Josh thinks these sheds are from the same buck and that these sheds were on the ground for about 7-12 years.  The last three on the right have the same base diameter and so it’s hard to say which is oldest.  The one on the left was found by a friend.  The one with the broken beam was found by Josh in 1991 and measures 47 0/8.  The 3rd shed was found by Jennifer and scores 53 5/8 with a 19 1/8 ” beam.  The lower picture is her holding the shed, which helps show the size of the antler.  The fourth shed is missing an eyeguard, has a 19 5/8 ” beam and scores 49 3/8.  They never found a match to any of these sheds.


Sally Epperson Coues Shed Antler

Wow, what a find!  Sally says this is the largest shed she has ever found.  She found it while looking for lion sign.   If it wasn’t chewed up it would probably be about a 55 inch shed.  And it probably had an 18 inch spread, making it from a buck that scored about 128 inches!  And it may still be alive…..

coues shed antler

coues shed antler

Josh Epperson 2003

Jan. 31, 2003

Josh found 6 Coues sheds, a mule deer shed, and an elk shed on this day.  This picture shows the best of the Coues he found.  Nice 5 point!



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