
Alan Ellsworth

San Carlos Apache Res.

Alan bought this rack this year (04) and it comes from the San Carlos Apache Reservation.

It grosses around 132 and nets 128.


Alan Ellsworth

Alan found this rack about 13 years ago.  It grosses 127 2/8″ and has huge beams.


Alan Ellsworth

White Mtn. Apache Res.

This is a mid 90’s 3pt with a 5 2/8″ dropper from the White Mtn. Apache Reservation.


Alan Ellsworth

White Mtn. Apache Res.

This unusual 6×7 grosses 110 6/8″.


Allan Ellsworth

White Mtn. Apache Res.

This large 2pt has an 8″ drop/kicker. Gross score is 97 4/8″. It has 4 1/2″ bases and a kicker right above dropper that has broken off.


Josh Epperson

This buck grosses 116 1/8″ NT despite have 4 broken tines. It was found on the White Mtn Apache rez. Another hunter named Alvin Pusher actually shot and lost the buck and someone else found it.  The lower photo shows the buck with a shed that Alan Ellsworth bought this year that is from this buck.


Josh Epperson and Alan Ellsworth

White Mtn Apache Reservation

Josh bought the shed on the right and Alan bought the one on the right from a tribal member of the White Mtn Apache Tribe.

These sheds are from the same buck.  The 6 point (on left in photo) measures 56 5/8 and was shed 2 years ago (2002).  The 4 pt (including eyeguard) antler on the right measures 50 0/8.  That shed is from the 2001 shed season. Great buck.  You can see how he changed in two years.


Josh Epperson 2003

Nov 2003

Josh says this shed is from the same buck that he took a photo of at a tank.

Josh says he now has two sets of sheds and one single off this same buck.


Josh Epperson 2003


Josh bought this monster buck from Jim Reynolds.  Jim found it earlier in the year.

This buck gross scores 130 3/8 and nets 124 3/8. Wow!


Josh Epperson

Unit 23, Arizona

The left antler measures 46 3/8 and the right side measures 52 inches.


Alan Ellsworth

White Mtn. Apache Tribe

The top two photos show three incredible sheds from the same side of the same buck.  They are probably not consecutive years, with 1 or 2 sheds missing between the one of the left and the middle one.  From left to right, they score : 63 2/8, 61 1/8, 60 7/8.

In addition to those three right antlers from this buck, Alan has two sheds from the left side and thinks they match up as shown in the bottom two photos.

WOW! what a great buck.


Alan Ellsworth

White Mtn. Apache Tribe

This is an awesome single non-typical shed.  It has 6 points and scores 62 3/8.


Alan Ellsworth

White Mtn. Apache Tribe

This awesome shed is the #2 in the world non-typical.  It net scores 66 2/8. It has 5 normal points and 3 non-typical points.  There is a little curved drop tine coming off the bottom of the main beam.  Main beam measures 17 0/8.  Base circumference is 5 1/8.


Alan Ellsworth

White Mtn. Apache Tribe

This great set of sheds scores 115 without a spread!


Alan Ellsworth



Alan Ellsworth

This nice 4 point has two cheaters coming off the side of the points.


Giant 3 point shed with 2 cheater points.


This is a nice shed being shown by Lee Ellsworth.

White Mtn. Apache Reservation


Alan Ellsworth 2001

White Mtn Apache Reservation, Arizona

This is an excellent pair of sheds found by tribal members in 2003 on the White Mtn Apache Reservation and purchased by Alan. (Josh Epperson is holding the antlers in the photo).

The antlers were probably shed in 2001. The right shed is a 5 point with a 5 inch base and scoring 50 6/8. The left side has 4 7/8 inch base and scores 52 7/8. This buck is over 100 inches without a spread!


Alan Ellsworth 2002


Alan bought this shed from a tribal member in 2003, but it was probably shed in 2002. This is a nice 6 point that scores about 55 4/8.


Allan Ellsworth 2003

WMAT, Arizona

This amazing set of sheds was found by White Mtn Apache tribal members in 2003 and bought by Alan (Josh Epperson is holding the antlers in the photos). The right antler is a 5 point that grosses 58 inches. The left antler is an 8 point with a gross score of 64 6/8. So this pair scores 122 6/8 without a spread!!! What an amazing buck. And this antler was grown during the drought in AZ.

I have put in close-up photos of both the left and right antlers for a better look.


Tyson Swetnam 2006-2008


Southern AZ

These photos show the pile of sheds Tyson has found since becoming a shed hunter in 2006. He has found 46 sheds and there are some impressive ones (like the one shown above).

The third pic shows the buck he calls the Big Fork. The ‘Big Fork’ buck is the buck he has the most sheds from, unfortunately he has never glassed him, and he think that he has gone on to the foothills in the sky. He is over 90 inches, as a 2x with 5+ inch eye guards.

The next two pics show The ‘Big Mass’ buck, which is a shed he found in 2008. He saw it through his spotting scope, and filmed the experience. He has never seen him alive, but he is hoping! He is the best scoring buck Tyson has ever found, his single side scores around 49 inches, not counting the extra trash.

Then there is a pic of a nice four point shed.


And the last photo shows the first shed he ever found (a fresh brownie from a 85-90 inch buck he saw in the spring of 2006) along with the two smallest sheds he has ever found.


Tyson’s dog is a Vizla named Briggs and he helps out with the shed hunting!

Tyson Swetnam 2006

summer 2006

Tyson found these sheds over the last 3 days while hiking with his dog Briggs in Southern AZ.

Four of the sheds are mismatch (although he thinks they might be from the same bucks over the years). The two big sheds were found about 30 yards apart and measure around 105 (he lost 6-7 inches because of the broken G3 on his left side, also he had a double eyeguard which is broken). The G2s are both over 11 inches.


Dan Hoffman 1980’s


Unit 24B, AZ

Dan found these sheds within about 10 yards of each other in the 1980s.  He says he has found numerous sheds in the exact same spot over the years since then.  Many are much smaller and some singles were even larger.


Phil Cramer 2005

Aug 2005

Unit 30A, Arizona

Phil found this shed on his way out to a stand.


Josh Epperson 2005

Aug. 2005

Josh found these sheds about 20 yards apart!!  They score about 92-93″ given a 12-13″ spread.

Nice find!


Andy Knowlton

Great palmated shed!


Kevin and Brian Payne

Southern AZ

The top photo shows the 6 sheds that Kevin found May 15, 2005.  Two of the sheds are from a big 4 point (plus eyeguards) that Brian and Kevin have been following.

The middle photos shows a set of sheds from the big buck.  The bottom photo shows the four sheds they have from this buck.

The top left shed scores 40 2/8 and the top right scores 41 4/8.  The top left shed was found by Brian during an archery hunt in Jan 04.

The middle shed scores 48 6/8 and Kevin found it in Jan 05 while archery hunting.

The bottom left is one of the fresh sheds found this last weekend and scores about 45 inches.

Kevin says this buck has been rubbing alot in the area trying to shed his antlers. There were two large, fresh rubs right where he found the antler.

The four sheds were found in a small area, about the size of an acre.

Kevin hopes to get out there and find the two missing sheds from this buck. (update: 8/25/05, Kevin and his brother Brian found another shed from this buck.  It’s the white shed in the bottom photo that completed a set from this year. That shed was in the open, so it bleached out white very quickly. That shed scores 45 7/8.)


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