
Amanda Moors: “doe at salt”

Photos by Amanda Moors

I took these photos around mid-day in mid-September. The deer were at a spot that looked like a place where they used to put out salt for cattle. There were no longer any salt blocks there, but the soil must have retained a lot of salt or other minerals because the deer were there eating the dirt.

Originally there were two really nice bucks in velvet there, but as I showed up they left so I didn’t get any photos of them. Then as the bucks were leaving two does came down the hill from nearby and moved in. Then a smaller deer, probably a yearling doe came in. All the deer were fighting to keep access to the salt lick. They would chase each other around if one got too close. The smaller deer was obviously the least dominant as it had to wait until the more aggressive deer left. I believe the bucks had been keeping the does away since the does ran in as soon as the bucks left, despite me being visible nearby.

In the second photo from the top you can see the deer digging at the dirt and the third photos shows one of the deer chewing the dirt. All the deer were pretty skinny, despite the recent rains greening things up.

This was a really interesting photo shoot because some of the deer let me walk right up to them within about 10 yards. They definitely saw me, but were very intent on getting their minerals.

coues deer

Scott Adams 2003

Scott Adams took these photos of two bucks in velvet in Unit 27, Arizona, August 2003.


Bret Mattausch 2003

Bret Mattausch photographed this doe when she came into a predator call in June 2003.


A Little 3×3 Dec. 2002

This is a little 3×3 buck that I photographed during the December 2002 hunt in unit 23. Photo by A. Moors.


Huge NM Coues deer

Huge New Mexico Coues deer in velvet. Photo by Patrick Meitin. Photo provided courtesy of Josh Epperson.


Josh Epperson

3 Coues bucks in velvet, Aug 1998, unit 6A, Arizona.


Two photos of the same 3×3 buck in velvet. Approximately 95 inches. Aug 1997.


Small buck in velvet, Aug. 1997.


Robert Andresen

A nice big bodied Coues deer in Unit 31, AZ.

Young Coues Deer from Unit 31, AZ.

This is a nice 5×4, but you can’t see it so well.

Two nice Coues deer in July.


Jeff Rivera

These two spike bucks were photographed by Jeff Rivera in Southwest New Mexico.


Wade Sherbrooke

A nice Coues deer buck from the Chiricahua Mtns. Photo by Wade Sherbrooke, Southwestern Research Station, Portal, AZ.


Amanda Moors

Bedded spike Coues buck Feb. 2003.


Classic flagging Coues deer buck.


This Coues buck only has one horn. I think he actually grew that way because a friend of mine says he saw this buck in Dec. with only one horn. This photo was taken Feb. 19, 2003 during my javelina hunt in Unit 24A, AZ. He was with two other bucks.


Josh Epperson

Two Coues bucks sparring in Dec. 2001. Not huge bucks, but a fun photo.


A Coues buck in velvet in July. He grew into a nice 4×4. Josh Epperson got this photo when he went to set up a tree stand over a spring.


Josh Epperson doe and fawns

How cute are these little guys??? Josh Epperson took this photo while waiting at a water hole in Aug. 1999.


Josh Epperson

This buck has an extra main beam. It’s a photo of the buck Josh killed this year.


This buck is a 5×6 that Josh’s friend killed. It grossed 97 inches. Nice buck!


Mark Hanson

A doe in the Ponderosa Pines. Amazing how she blends in.


I thought this was an interesting photo of a young buck.


Bob Campbell

What a beautiful pair of Coues deer. Photo taken by Bob Campbell at Ft. Huachuca in Arizona.


Amanda Moors

A doe and a fawn alert on a hillside.


A doe and a fawn on a hillside. One deer is in the open, the other is hidden behind the agave slightly uphill.

This buck was with the buck I harvested in 2002. There were four bucks all together and after I shot one, the others just milled around waiting for their buddy to get up

Two decent bucks feeding on a cholla. This was taken in Dec. 2002. These two bucks were not rutting yet. They were traveling together, occasionally sparring and staying out of view most of the time.


Doe bedded under juniper.

Mike K.

Mike says he got these pics within 50 miles of Tucson.  Great buck!


Jacob Miller Dec 2008

Dec. 08

Jacob got these pics of bucks in just three days of having his camera out.


Jeff Forrester and Tim Thurlow


Jeff and Tim have had a lot of cameras out and found some very nice bucks that they are hoping to harvest.  Jeff says they put cameras out a month before the season and then pull them before the season starts.


Conrad 2008

Jan 2008

“I was hunting with a friend in the southern mountains of AZ when we came across a very fresh mountain lion kill. I marked the spot on my GPS and returned the same day to place my trail camera on the carcass. The next day I checked the pictures and I ended up with over 30 pictures of the big cat coming back in to feed on the buck. Its a nice Coues deer buck.”

Clay Price 2007


Clay has been getting lots of photos of deer at this waterhole.  He also managed to get a couple pics of a mtn lion. 


Kent Simmons 2004

Unit 32, AZ

here is what Kent had to say about this buck:

I saw this buck in early September 2004 with 3 other nice bucks. I set up my trail camera on the nearby waterhole and captured this image on October 15, 2004. I hunted all season for him or his buddies but never did see them again. This was in a heavily hunted part of unit 32. I like to think that he was smart enough to evade all the hunters, not just me.


Tim McClure 2004-2006


These are some Tim’s favorite Trail cam pics he has gotten over the last couple years.

Jeff Hough

Unit 1, Arizona

Jeff got these pics with a trail camera at a feeder.


Josh Epperson 2005


Kevin Payne 2005

Aug 2005
(aka kwp)

Kevin and his brother went scouting for their October hunt and checked the film in the 35mm trail camera.  They had pics of the 4 point (plus eyeguards) that they have found sheds from over the last few years. Here is a link to the page with the sheds they have found.


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