June Arnold 1983-2000
Unit 35A, Arizona
June is an avid Coues deer hunter and took all these fine Coues in Unit 35A. Many of these she took with a rifle, but she now only hunts with a bow.
Tim Maddock 2001
December 2001
Southeastern, AZ
This buck gross scores about 101 inches and has a little fork on his left brow tine.
Larry Speer late 1960’s
late 1960’s
Unit 24, Arizona
Larry is Travis’ father-in-law and this buck scores about 112.
Mick Holder late 1960’s
late 1960’s
Unit 24, Arizona
Mick (Travis’s father) killed this excellent buck in the 1960’s before unit 24 was broken up into A and B units. This buck officially scores 116 and some change.
Jason Smith 2002
Dec 2002
Southern AZ
This was Jason’s first Coues deer! He shot him at 254 yards while he was chasing a doe. It’s hard to tell in the photos, but the largest point on the right side is forked. Both main beams are heavily webbed at the end. The buck has great mass throughout the rack.
He has 6 points on his right side and 5 on his left. One point on his left side doesn’t show well in the photos, and is only an inch long.
Jason used a .300 Winchester model 70 with a Leupold 3×9 VIII scope and 10×50 Swarovski binoculars.
Loren Merrill
Unit 24b, Arizona
Loren Merrill shot this buck within about 3 miles of where Sean Merrills’s buck was shot. His 5-year old nephew, Dallin, is holding the buck in the lower photo. This buck scores about 88 inches.
Sean Merrill
Unit 24b, Arizona
Sean had hunted for a few days with his father and brothers. His Dad and younger brothers had all ready tagged a couple of 2 points. Sean had seen a larger deer the first weekend but missed the 300 yard shot. Sean started out the second Saturday of his hunt and had seen 7-8 doe. Finally he jumped this buck and another doe, the buck was hot after the doe. They ran across an open hillside approximately 200 yards away. Sean took a couple of shots before hitting his mark. Sean used a Remington .270.
Tommy DeMarco 2001
Unit 33, Arizona
This was Tommy’s first Coues deer and it’s a nice 4×4 that officially gross scores 95 2/8. You can see the beautiful area he hunted and the deer in the bottom photo. He took this buck with one shot at 100 yards.
Marvin Hardin 1950
Chiricahua Mtns., Arizona
This huge 10×8 buck nets 149 7/8. It was #5 in the B&C book, it’s dropped some in rank recently. This buck has a 13 3/8 inch inside spread. What a tremendous deer! Photo provided courtesy of Josh Epperson.
Jim Vincent
Unit 23, Arizona
Jim says this 4×4 buck scores 97 inches. He took it at 275 yards with a .257 Weatherby. He nicknamed him Slippy because of his elusiveness.
Mick Holder 1983
Unit 24A, Arizona
Mick killed both these great bucks that Travis is holding in the photo. The one on the left officially gross scores 110 3/8, net 106 5/8. It has 17 in main beams and 4 inch circumferences for the first 3 circum measurements! Inside spread is 15 1/8.
The buck on the right is a great buck, but wouldn’t score well under the B&C system. The top photo is a close-up of that buck. The main beams almost touch. I don’t know how that buck could have sparred at all. Excellent mass on that buck as well.
Mick Holder 1980’s
Unit 24B, Arizona
This is a really interesting buck. Travis said his dad (Mick) saw this buck break off his antler the year before and apparently it grew back deformed. It looks like that long tine on the left antler is what would be the brow tine and that the rest of the main beam is missing.
Travis Holder 1993
Unit 22, Arizona
This buck has excellent mass, especially at the bases. They are 4 inch bases.
Travis Holder 1988
Unit 24A, Arizona
This buck is a nice 100-inch class buck. Travis and his dad, Mick, are avid Coues hunters.
Bret Mattausch 1994
Unit 36b, Arizona
Bret shot this buck when he was 16. It was his first Coues buck. He killed this 4×4 that scores 107 gross and 103 net.with a rut tag in unit 36B on the second to last day. His uncle (in the picture with him) glassed the buck up chasing does. After that, Bret became a dedicated Coues fanatic who passes on 100 inch bucks because he wants to get one bigger than this one!
Danny Howard 2002
December 2002
Unit 36b, Arizona
The buck is a 4 x 4 and gross scores 96 2/8″. After passing up 10 other bucks in 9 days, Danny decided that this was the buck for the year. He made a 350 yd shot with a .270 to down the buck In November he got a nice buck in New Mexico. The photo of that buck is in the New Mexico section.
Larry Holland 1995
Unit 23, Arizona
This 4×5 buck scores 111 2/8. It received honorable mention in the Boone and Crockett typical category for that year. Larry killed a larger non-typical buck 10 days later on the San Carlos (it’s photo is in the San Carlos page 2 section)! That’s some serious hunting. Congratulations on your hunts Larry!
Jake Lambert 2002
November 2002
Unit 24A, Arizona
Jake shot this nice Coues after not seeing any deer for most of his hunt. On the last day they happened to jump this buck and got a 100 yard shot off. The deer didn’t take another step. This deer was on a hillside full of ocotillo.
Dale Tasa 1975-2003
from about 1975-2003
Unit 6A, Arizona
This fine collection of bucks comes from the hunting of Dale Tasa, his son, his brother and his brother’s son during the course of the last 28 years. Most bucks score over 100 inches and were taken by rifle in Unit 6A.
Patrick Bernard
Unit 32, Arizona
Pat says this is his first Coues and he was lucky to get this 5×5 105 inch buck. He had taken some shots at smaller bucks and missed. But he went over to double-check for blood and this big buck popped up at about 50 yards. What a nice first Coues!!
Mark Franco 2002
November 2002
Unit 33, Arizona
Mark shot this fine buck on day 7 of his hunt. He shot it at 30 yards with a 7mm mag. as it walked along a trail below him with two other nice bucks. This is a big bodied deer that had 3/4 inch of fat all along his back. He figures it’s about a 90 inch buck.
Casey Charter 2002
November 2002
Unit 36b, Arizona
net score: 80 2/8
main beam: 13 right and 13 2/8 left; 1st circum. 3 inches on both sides; inside spread 16 3/8
This is Casey’s first buck and what a fine one it is! He shot this at about 400 yards. Congratulations on your buck Casey!
Josh Epperson 2002
December 2002
Unit 33, Arizona
This buck is about a 70 inch non-typical. But check out the double main beam on the left antler!! Josh took this buck because it was so unique. He says it’s the first double-beamed buck he has seen in AZ in 20 years of hunting. Great find!
Mark Clark 1991
December 1991
Unit 24A, Arizona
This buck doesn’t score well because it is unmatched, but it’s a great buck. Look at all the small points around the brow tines.