Lee Comaduran 2007
Nov. 2007
Here is what Lee had to say about his hunt:
Here is a buck that I killed November 9th, 2007 opening morning of the hunt. The deer scores 115 and 1/8 inches. The drop tine is about 8 inches with an additional four inch tine. Killed in Cochise County using a 300 Remington Ultra Mag. The shot was exactly 301 yards.
Suzy Bingham 2006
Unit 31, AZ
Suzy Bingham took this buck in 2006 in unit 31. Nice big buck, grosses 97 and some change, nets 94 and 5/8ths.
She killed him with a 257 Roberts at about 100 yards. The 115 grain Nosler Ballistic tip performed beautifully.
Dane Bingham 2007
Oct. 2007
Unit 31, AZ
Dane Bingham took this buck in October 2007 in unit 31. He made a great 70 yard running shot with his 6.5×55 Swedish Mauser shooting 120 grain Nosler Ballistic tips. Nice young buck, scores in the high eighties. Wouldn’t it be great to be 18 and 185 pounds and be a deer packing machine? Dane’s sister Sarah is with him.
Bruce Bingham 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 32, AZ
Here is what Bruce said about his hunt:
I took this buck in December 2007 in unit 32. It was a great hunt and we saw a ton of deer. No monsters but quite a few good bucks. I laid in the snow for forty five minutes waiting for this buck to give me a shot. When he finally stepped out I shot under him. He stepped back in the brush and I thought “Great” I’m going to lay here for another forty five minutes. He stepped back out a couple of minutes later and I was able to harvest him with the next shot at 436 yards. This is the longest shot I have ever made actually knowing the distance with a rangefinder. Ruger #1 7MM. Remington Magnum. 140 grain Nosler Ballistic tip handload. The pictures are not great but the grass was deep, the hill was steep and the decomposed granite was like walking on softballs. He nets 90 7/8 ths. Interestingly we saw four more nice bucks in this same canyon that all possessed the same crawdad fork on the same side.
Justin Stahl 2007
Oct. 2007
Justin shot the buck at 441yd. on Oct. 26 2007. He and his brother had been watching him and one other buck. Opening day came and he was right where they had been seeing him and he went down. The other buck wasn’t with him that morning, they think the other buck would have gone 110 plus.
This buck officially scores 125 2/8 (gross) and 115 5/8 (net).
Sevio Serna 2007
Dec. 2007
(aka Luvcousehunting)
Unit 36C, AZ
Here is what Sevio had to say about his hunt:
Here are a couple of pictures of the buck I took in 36C in Dec 2007. He scores 91 3/8, I thought he was a little better but as you know these little guys are hard to judge sometimes when their on the go. I took him with a 300 Win mag at 320 yards. He may have been attacked by a lion as he had a large piece of hide ripped opened on his right hind quarter and two big gouges on his left hind quarter, He also had a large cut just above his right rear hoof that’s was swollen to half its normal size.
Roger and Kyle Patterson 2007
Oct. 2007
Unit 30A, AZ
Kyle, on the left, and Roger both shot their bucks (3×4’s), on the last day of their hunt. Kyle shot his first Coues deer right after sunrise, scoring 102 2/3. Kyle’s uncle, Roger, then shot his buck only 3 miles away within the same canyon, 2 hours later. Roger’s scored 99 ½. Kyle’s proud dad, John, is in the middle. He spotted Kyle’s deer and was able to get Kyle within 150 yards. Roger’s was shot at 175 yards.
Natalie Robb 2007
Unit 24A, AZ
This is Natalie’s first Arizona deer. I helped her out on her hunt and we were after a very nice 100 inch buck, but were never able to close the deal. So Natalie decided to take this spike that presented itself less than 50 yards away on the last day.
Ryan Feringa 2007
This is Ryan’s first buck and he had a great hunt with lots of help from members. You can read his hunt story.
Pete Thomas and his father 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 24A, AZ
here is what Pete wrote about their hunt (Pete shown with his buck in top photo, both Pete and his dad are in bottom photo with dad’s buck):
This buck was taken in 24A on December 28th (top photo). My father and I both had the late hunt in this unit and I started hunting in the southern part of the unit on the 15th of December. Finally on the last weekend, we moved all the way up to the north end of the unit were we new the area better.
I got to camp on Friday the 28th @ 2:30 pm and took out of camp and shot this buck @ 3:10 @ 35 yards off the side of a road.
The next day we glassed a buck that was bigger for my dad so we decided to go after him. In the process of walking back to the quads, I saw a 2 point and my dad (not a trophy hunter) ended up shooting the 2 point.
Levi Dilday 2007
Oct 2007
Unit 33, AZ
Levi was 10 years old when he got this buck during the Oct youth hunt. He shot the buck at 130 yards and killed him with one shot. His father, Jim, had a great time helping Levi on this hunt and says he may have even been happier than Levi was! He said they hunted some larger bucks, but couldn’t get on them.
Angelea Warwick 2007
Dec. 29, 2007
White Mtn Apache Reservation
Here is what she wrote about her hunt:
I killed this buck while hunting with my boyfriend and dad December 29th on the whitemountain apache reservation. I shot this buck at 75 yards with a ruger 308. We saw this buck while walking on top of a flat near a canyon. When we first saw the buck it caught us off guard, because we spooked it down toward the canyon. If it wasn’t for the does he was chasing we would have never got a shot off. We gross scored it at about 95. This buck is a big 2×2 with eye 6 inch eye guards.
Amy and Ryan Ballard 2007
Nov. 2007
Ryan got his buck on opening morning (buck shown in 3rd photo, the one on the left is Ryan’s). Then he helped his wife get her buck on the last morning of the hunt. He said the buck weighed 104 pounds after gutting him! That’s a big bodied buck! Her husband says she is getting spoiled and outdid him again!
Felicia Smith 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 33, AZ
Here is what Christian Wolff (aka younghunter) wrote about the hunt:
Went down to help a buddy and his wife on there 33 December tags. Neither of them have ever harvested a deer and were not holding out to much. His wife was able to connect on this buck Sunday morning. I had found the buck Friday afternoon, Saturday morning and afternoon and then again Sunday morning. We were seeing 7 or so bucks a day but all 2 points and some big 2 points at that.
The second photo shows the area they were hunting including glassing spot and shot location.
Tyson Langford 2007
Nov. 9, 2007
Unit 24B, AZ
This is Tyson’s first Coues buck! Tyson is the one on the left and his friend Fernando Solis is on the right.
Byron Benson III 2007
Dec. 27, 2007
Here is what Byron’s son wrote about this hunt:
This is a 3×3 with only one eyeguard. scores in the 80’s. we spotted this buck at 10:00 a.m. and watched him bed. we made the stalk and set up at 325 yards. It was as close as we could get due to the terrain. The buck was bedded with his vitals right in front of a tree trunk, so we waited him out 5 1/2 hrs before he gave us a shot.
Justin Benson 2007
Dec. 26, 2007
here is what his brother Byron wrote about this hunt:
This buck is a 2×2 plus eye guards. One shot with a .270 at 255 yards. 8:00 a.m.
Tim Romano 2007
Dec. 23, 2007
here is what Byron wrote about this hunt:
This is our hunting partner Tim’s deer that scores 100+. The buck is a 3×3 with double eye guards on one side and triple on the other. Shot with a .270 at around 100 yards. 5:00 p.m.
Byron Benson IV 2007
Dec. 22, 2007
All the bucks on this page came from the same hunting party. They had four tags and filled all four.
here is what Byron wrote about his hunt:
This is a 3×3 with no eye gaurds, that scores in the 80’s. I shot it with my remington 7 mag. One shot while it was in its bed at 370 yards. 10:30 a.m.
Skip Rimsza 2007
December 19, 2007
Unit 36C, AZ
Skip has limited time to hunt these days so he came down at noon on the 19th. He made great 540 yard shot through the heart of this great buck. It was truly an amazing shot. This buck gross scores 87″.
Andrew Allen 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 36C, AZ
Andrew shot this buck on December 29th. Andrew and Jay Wyatt were with Brian Rimsza when he glassed up the buck he shot. They repositioned to try and relocate the buck Brian shot. While looking for his buck they found this great buck. After shooting Brian’s buck, Aaron and Brian spotted for Andrew while he stalked in on this buck. He made a great shot at 380 yards. The buck gross scores 82″.
Bragg Craven 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 36C, AZ
Bragg shot this buck on December 27th. This was his first coues deer hunt. He made a great shot on this buck at 432 yards. The buck has split eye guards on one side.
Travis Slater 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 36C, AZ
This was Travis’s second coues deer hunt. He was very limited in the time he could hunt and was able to come down for one day before harvesting this buck on the morning of December 30th. He shot this buck at 320 yards and it gross scores 75″.
Brian Rimsza 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 36C, AZ
here is what Brian wrote about his hunt:
I hunted 9 days before finding this buck on December 29th. I passed up 49 bucks before locating this buck. I glassed him up very early in the morning and he went over a ridge into a canyon I could not see. My friend Aaron Scott and I repositioned to a better location and were able to locate the buck again at 352 yards. The buck scores 102″ gross and has 4″ eye guards. This is my best buck to date and the biggest buck I saw on this hunt.
Kurtis Springer 2007
Dec. 2007
Unit 36C, AZ
Kurtis shot this deer at 225 yards on December 17. This was his first Coues deer hunt. Kurtis glassed this buck up at over 1000 yards. This buck gross scores 81″.
ALL the bucks on this page are from one hunting group that had six tags. They filled all six with some very nice bucks!