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About bonecollector777

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    Premier Member
  • Birthday 07/13/1990

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  1. bonecollector777

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    Agreed. Would keep dads from getting their 10 year olds sheep tags when they'd be happy shooting a doe on the kaibab. Pretty sure Colorado has that rule and you have to have 5. Need to show some sort of dedication to wanting to hunt that special animal.
  2. bonecollector777

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    I can't believe someone is spreading any and all secrets of upping your odds to draw a tag to people that are too lazy to do the research themselves. Just to get people to listen to his podcast. That's what's unbelievable.
  3. bonecollector777

    Not Closing the Rim?!?!

    Racist. . Blow me...Wife is mexican and so are kids..Haha guess you dont speak sarcasm. I'll try not to joke with you guys that have anyone Hispanic in the family.
  4. bonecollector777

    Not Closing the Rim?!?!

    Racist. .
  5. bonecollector777

    Not Closing the Rim?!?!

    Not exactly true. Woods canyon, willow springs, bear canyon area is still open. Apache sitgreaves left north of 260 open. Might as well start a thread where we guess the date and time of when the fire breaks out up there. Kind of like the draw results post.
  6. bonecollector777

    Tonto National Forest Area Closures

    I cant even imagine how crowded that area is going to be. Gonna be a mess.
  7. bonecollector777

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    that's for stage 2. If its closed definitely cant just go hunt.
  8. bonecollector777

    Wild Horses???

    Yes if any horse gets loose and its owner doesnt attempt to get it back they are breaking the law and it is now feral and if I had legal permission I'd shoot every last living horse out there and then go home and sleep like a baby.
  9. bonecollector777

    Wild Horses???

    I'd pay extra for a tag to shoot a feral horse and leave it there.How are you able to tell the difference between a "feral" horse and one that has been turned out on a range lease?Because none of the ranchers release their horses out here in 3c in fear that they will say they're now "wild" and then cant get them back. And I know everyone that ranches around here doesnt release their horses out there. Just cattle.Oh you can turn your horses loose on leases and get them back. And even the best cowboys have had their horses leave them. So how does someone who does not posses all the intimate knowledge of all the ranchers and their stock tell if a horse is feral? You didn't really answer this simple question. Because the answer is, you cannot tell the difference. It would take a huge chunk of time to identify the members of a wild horse band. So I don't think there will be any otc permits any time soon. And yeah, there are wild cattle too eating grass, drinking etc. But if you have permission of a lease holder to go after them, better make sure they're of age and not branded. Both are generally rounded up for ID. Not defending wild horses but let's not lose our minds. The Govt needs to act. Dont need any intimate knowledge other than that there are ZERO horses in 3c that are from ranchers. Therefore meaning every horse you see out there is a feral horse.
  10. bonecollector777

    Wild Horses???

    I'd pay extra for a tag to shoot a feral horse and leave it there.How are you able to tell the difference between a "feral" horse and one that has been turned out on a range lease?Because none of the ranchers release their horses out here in 3c in fear that they will say they're now "wild" and then cant get them back. And I know everyone that ranches around here doesnt release their horses out there. Just cattle.
  11. bonecollector777

    Wild Horses???

    I'd pay extra for a tag to shoot a feral horse and leave it there.
  12. bonecollector777

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    Stage 2 you're fine to hunt. Closures obviously no because you can't even be in the forest so yeah you lose your chance to hunt along with your bonus points. But I'd say if it's still so dry you cant hunt in September then most likely everything has either died or moved out of the country looking for water. So it will save you from wasting your time.
  13. bonecollector777

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    Guess I don't see the connection with cutting your own trees and a kid starting a forest fire with fireworks?
  14. bonecollector777

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    Would love to find out!
  15. bonecollector777

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    I think the wilderness hunt did. So the next year I applied for it like an idiot and then it went back to max point holders.