GodIsGood Report post Posted August 11, 2008 I dont think Osama will pick Hillary - only because there aint much a Clinton wouldnt do to take back the White House... I do think he'll choose someone about his same age so he doesnt appear to be brining in a fatherly-figure to augment his lack of experience or wisdom... he'll have a hard time finding someone with less experience, including my 9yr old son. He'll need someone white and conservative. I wish McCain would pick Romney - 'cuz he's a successful businessman, family man and would take sensible action to get the economy on-track and wouldnt take any backward steps towards fighting Islamo-fascism. Knowing McCain he'll probably pick someone non-threatening, rather milk-toast instead of stud. He is so old and in crummy health, he OUGHT to [but wont] pick a person who is qualified to lead should he croak or become too sick. Remember, whoever takes the White House will be appointing the next 2-4 Supreme Court Judges!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DesertBull Report post Posted August 11, 2008 Like Merle Hagard says, "...it's like a snowball headed for heck". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.270 Report post Posted August 11, 2008 one thing i'm pretty sure of, john edwards just got crossed offa obammers list. i don't see him picking anyone who's gonna be a big help. i still look for the clintons to pull a coup at the convention. mccain won't pick romney because he's a mormon, pure and simple. whatever he might bring in ability will be overshadowed because of negative thoughts about his religion. but he'd be foolish not to include him in his cabinet, after he's elected. the guy is an amazing bizwhiz. Lark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4Falls Report post Posted August 12, 2008 Doesnt matter who Obama picks. Could be Hillary could be Larry the Cable Guy. The media will herald it as the wisest and most creative pick in American history. McCain could resurect Ronald Reagan and he still wont get elected. I think the polls showing McCain as close as he is are a sham just to make sure all the Obama kool-aid drinkers get out and vote. This is the saddest presidential election of my lifetime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DesertBull Report post Posted August 12, 2008 Obama was raised and mentored by died in the wool, hard core socialist and communist supporters who believe in high taxes and biiiiig Gov't with lots of regulations, programs, welfare, universal healthcare, public housing, etc, etc, etc. Since being in Congress, he has authored a bill that would allow the Gov't to send .7% of the National GDP to the UN to be distributed to other countries to help reduce poverty. A tax on Americans for GLOBAL distribution. Totally illegal and 100% socialist. No only that, we are in debt beyond belief thanks to years of overspending, yet he thinks it's a good idea to levy another tax, one which will only benefit non-Americans. This is his idea of CHANGE. He fully supports the UN's call for all nations to ban the possession of small arms. This is the scariest candidate this nation has ever had and it looks like he has fooled the masses into believing he is a "messiah". In fact, that is the very word that Chris Matthews used to describe him. SCARY!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rembrant Report post Posted August 12, 2008 God is Good makes a good point. If Hillary is the vice pres., Obama will die. Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ichiban43 Report post Posted August 12, 2008 I'd love to see Romney--but .270 is right on--a lot of people just don't know a much about Mormanism--it is a fear of the unknown. The Jeff mess doesn't help. Personally, I like Palin--the lady Gov of AK. Pawlenty is a good choice also, but Mc has to be careful of having too much of a "white bread" ticket--so that would really eliminate Charlie crist. Bobby Jindal is too young--needs more experience--but he is dynamite IMHO. Also--being a Senator--it would help to have someone experienced in running a Gov't Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DesertBull Report post Posted August 12, 2008 I think McCain is a closet liberal, but he is the lesser of two evils, I suppose. Jindal would be my choice, to offset McCain's age. The other choice would have to be either Crist or Ridge. He can't win without winning either FL or Penn. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
willhunt4coues Report post Posted August 12, 2008 It really doesn't matter who you vote for it is politics. They will put the one in that they want. Lets say it is Obama, well I think he will be assassinated if he even makes it till then. I don't vote because I don't belive it even matters what I say they both are no good and every pres. says the same thing they will help this and that and then nothing changes it just gets worse. Just my 2 cents. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.270 Report post Posted August 12, 2008 come on guys, this is still America. and it will be after the election. i don't think obama has a chance. don't care who his running mate is. i do think that mccains running mate could either help or hurt him. i don't think it makes a difference in obamas case. and i have faith that America will do the right thing. and electing a joke like obama ain't the right thing. Lark. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
willhunt4coues Report post Posted August 12, 2008 come on guys, this is still America. and it will be after the election. i don't think obama has a chance. don't care who his running mate is. i do think that mccains running mate could either help or hurt him. i don't think it makes a difference in obamas case. and i have faith that America will do the right thing. and electing a joke like obama ain't the right thing. Lark. TWO THUMBS UP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stanley Report post Posted August 13, 2008 Once again, Lark shares his words of wisdom....... LARK FOR PRESIDENT!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Clay, I have to say though; If you don't vote then your opinion just doesn't count, period!!! Saying you don't vote because you 'think it doesn't matter....' is a VERY LAME attitude. What does matter then? What do you think America is about???? There are MANY people in the world who don't vote in their own country because they are rightly afraid that it could come back to haunt them. This is one of the things our guys fight for; The right for EVERYONE to be able to vote and be heard without being rounded-up and/or killed because of your beliefs. Go vote this fall man!!! Be thankful for the right to do it!!! (I'll get off the soap-box now.... ) S. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DesertBull Report post Posted August 13, 2008 Of coarse I'm voting, but I ain't voting for either one of these two clowns. I'll write in a name. Voting for the least of the stupid people for the last 20 years is what has us in the mess we are in now. It isn't a contest to see if you can pick the winner. Vote for the person you think can be a great leader, not for the one you think might not be as bad as the other guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites