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Arizona women target serial killer of Heber wild horses

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51 minutes ago, rossislider said:

Wow, that may be one of the most overdramatized news segments (watch the video) I recall seeing in a while! That is saying something.

A one sided hack job by a "journalist".  As stated earlier, why don't they interview a biologist?  Likely, it would not pull on the heartstrings so why bother.  Look for a repeat of the Salt River horse fiasco just a different venue.  Our politicians will fold like tents to "popular' opinion.  As long as AZ has tribal reservations, we'll have plenty of feral horses.

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41 minutes ago, Swivelhead said:

A one sided hack job by a "journalist".  As stated earlier, why don't they interview a biologist?  Likely, it would not pull on the heartstrings so why bother.  Look for a repeat of the Salt River horse fiasco just a different venue.  Our politicians will fold like tents to "popular' opinion.  As long as AZ has tribal reservations, we'll have plenty of feral horses.

I have gotten in a pretty heated back and forth with the TV3 reporters over this, they won't do the leg work on it to find out origin of the horses or maybe they really want to just promote the narrative of the "wild" horse theory!

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I hear that Covid is a big killer of feral horses, it might the Corona that got them.

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If these were pigs, all of us would be encouraged and allowed  to shoot them on sight, but Black Beauty and Flicka are are too majestic to kill or call "feral".  I see these dang things every time I head out up there, and  find piles of their shite around tanks, in the roads etc.   Perhaps we should have a shite collection and dump a large roll off of manure in that  dipsticks yard?  See how majestic 20 tons of crap looks up close....


But since the burros remain at large and are spreading, the horses are gonna keep spreading.  Unless the Legend picks up the pace.....

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1 hour ago, 5guyshunting said:

I'm surprised they're not blaming Trump.

Well, If we could get AOC to quit whining about here near death experience and make her aware of this, she might lump these horses and burros in with the “ farting cows “ she wants  to eradicate in her “Green Deal”! It would be the only close to sensible thing she will accomplish in her shite show “ political career”,  further proof there should be an intelligence quiz required prior to being able to vote.


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9 hours ago, Roosevelt Mark said:

How does she know it was shot? A lot of them died last summer from the drout.

Way more deer and elk died of drought because the horses suck the tanks dry and run them off. 

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What is even more disgusting is in the video they lead you to believe it is some mass murderer killing 37 people for the first 1:25 before they even mention a horse 

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