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Guest 300ultramag.


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Guest 300ultramag.

so the they froze my wifes account which is a seperate entity not a joint account... she is 4 mos. prego. and she was in the job field with no cash and her card frozen also.... Its one thing to attack me but my un-born child and wife...


Im no doctor but skipping lunch while pregnant cant be good!


Still not resolved! :( :angry:



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I am just shotgunning here, but you may want to go to another branch and speak with that manager. Maybe you can get them on your side and get this resolved ASAP!

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I don't know the laws...but it's GOT to be illegal to freeze your account just because he didn't "like" your language!!!!! Not to mention your prego wife!!! I really hope you get this taken care of AND compensated!!!

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I have had B of A for about 3 years and I have been pleased with them... However, if something like that happened I would go right back to Compass without hesitation!

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I don't have a BofA account but maybe every member who does

should go in their local branch and close their accounts and

be sure to tell the manager why.

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I don't have a BofA account but maybe every member who does

should go in their local branch and close their accounts and

be sure to tell the manager why.

good idea...which branch was this so as i can be specific.

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B of A hands out credit cards to illegals--do you really want to do business with them??



Terry -


I think you were mis informed on this one. They still have to have proper paperwork and Id. I thought the same thing until I researched it myself.(unless I was lied to) :blink: That's what the news does for ya.


I have been with B of A for 15 years and if this happened to me I would most definately find another bank! (after they

made it right with me)

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Guest 300ultramag.

OK so I went to bank of america and got a TEMPORARY card. I immediately went to target to make sure that the card would work. Well it worked! I bought a new lock for my treestand. Well i went to hang my treestand in a very remote place! On my way back i stopped to get gas to make it home and guess what my card doesnt work!


I called and said i am stranded this is now an emergency i am stuck out in BFE and no way to get home.Wh0eres my money! that i worked for! Well i was put on hold for 20 min. and pretty much my temporary card is useless!How the F*** am i gonna get home!




Say i were to get bit by a rattler and needed immediate attention I would of died! Out stranded because i said F*** in a bank!


I have never been so upset in my life!I just now got home, Praise God for his grace that I am here typing this!


But Im not closing my account This is a personal attack from a B of A MANAGER and I will be sure it gets handled!


ALSO THANX FOR POSTING GUYS................. KEEP EM COMIN' Truly it helps knowin im backed by all of you!Its my money I worked for it dont keep me from MY money!

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Unbelievable stuff. I would take this to the bank in complaint form but NOT until I talk to an ambulance chaser.


B of A got on my bad list about 15 years ago when they charged my account for stuff that was not mine, missed a deposit and then kept sending me statements and bills for delinquency and filing negatives on my credit report. Even after I proved to them and they said the negatives would be removed, they added them again shortly after removing them. Found out about it 2 years later when I went to buy a house. Fortunately I had saved a truckload of documentation and it only took a 30 minute visit and a promise of court action.


All I have to say is document everything. Write it down NOW if it is conversations and take names and dates of the people who would not help.

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I'm sorry this happened to you. It makes no sense that they would freeze your account without telling you.


It would probably help to make sure you document the incident as best you can. Write down what happened, when and where it happened and its effect on you and your wife. Also, document who at B of A you talk to, when you talked to them and what they said, right down to how long you were on hold.


You might also want to calmly and politely (it may not be easy and I suggest you don’t wear your camo to the meeting) talk to the person who you think froze your accounts and see if he admits that he indeed did that. If he admits it (instead of saying it was a “random” computer glitch) document that too. It may help because you can lock them in to that explanation and won’t have to disprove the computer glitch explanation later.


Once you have your ducks in a row, you would be ready to ask them to make it right, meaning compensate you for the incredible inconvenience, loss of time and stress. (Maybe settle out of court for a Scoutguard SG 550 trail cam or the monetary equivalent. ;) )


If you don’t get satisfaction at that level you can go up the chain of command, until you end up writing a letter to the CEO. If you go high enough, documenting as you go, I would think they would make it right if for no other reason than to get rid of you. But it could take time. Think of being a pebble in B of A's shoe as your new hobby.


Also, if B of A is a Better Business Bureau member, you can file a complaint there. The BBB will want to know that you complained to the business first, gave B of A the chance to make it right and were reasonable about what you expected them to do.


These are just suggestions. Good Luck.


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Guest 300ultramag.

A pebble in their shoe that is F****** awesome That is a good way to look at it!


Well they closed all of my accounts :lol:


Im getting all of my funds Fedex to my door :P


But the boat loan is still active there. Thats hilarious!


They made a note on my account that when I went into the bank my hands were in my pockets and were suspicious of my actions!


The regional manager has indirectly called me a liar and she states that 2 other employees heard me say I wanted to close my account! Hence the freeze!

This has been a joke and I am at A FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. All is well but I will press this issue!


I suggest if u ever hear obscenity in B of A to have that person(s) account frozen!


also dont play pocket pool while entering a B of A.







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Man that sucks!!! Well, best of luck with your new bank.... and word of advice....quit throwing F-bombs in public! ;)

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That sounds like total crap, follow this through to the end, first off there have to be close circuit recordings of this event and even more so if they thought something suspicious was going on. If the manager did it because she thought you said to close all of your accounts there are usually forms to sign, at least that is what I remember. Unless you were linked to your wifes account somehow either by name or social I don't see how they could have attached that as well. Now the second thing that sounds real fishy on their part is when you talked with them on the phone they did not know your account was closed and were going to send you a new card, then they gave you a temporary that worked and then stopped working. Sounds to me like they are trying to cover their tails and look to make you the bad guy. Was this your primary branch where you were known and did most of your transactions, how many bank robbers rob the branch they deal with regularly, are known to the tellers and are conducting personal business with the manager. I bet that somehow the video of this will have been erased or there will have been some other problem with that segment. If they are anti's try and google the managers name and see if she or he has any affiliations with any animal groups, or sad to say any church type group and she went holy roller on you. Just as others have stated the higher you take this, the better chance you will get some sort of justice. I wish you the best, Good Luck.



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Welcome to Bof A... I wouldnt bank there if they gave me free money. The one I have to go into every month or so is so dang disorganized that its not even funny. The place where I work banks there because its close. They are idiots there.



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