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Guest 300ultramag.


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Guest 300ultramag.




IT is still unresolved. Any advice how to escalate this!


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Well, if it was the bank manager that did this, you need to go above their head and speak with the regional manager.

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Guest 300ultramag.

good stuff! i got a regional cell phone number and im filing a complaint with the institute of finance as well.



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If the bank manager was totally wrong for doing what he did(spiteful), and they had no financial reason to freeze your account, I would hire a lawyer and make them pay for what they did. Bank of America is one of the worst banks out there, not that any bank can be considered good :)

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I hide all my money. You guys want the geocache? ;) Sorry this happen to you. I would sue for pain and suffering. :D

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I would close my accounts....immediately. Maybe it might have been a bit much to ask you to leave, asking to mind your language might have been more appropriate. If they asked me to leave I would have responded " I will as soon as I conclude my business" . Freezing your money was way too much. Almost like she/he was punishing you??? Who the he[[ is he/she.


I would not stand for it. As a matter of fact if my money was there I would close my accounts.


Good Luck!







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I would close my accounts....immediately. Maybe it might have been a bit much to ask you to leave, asking to mind your language might have been more appropriate. If they asked me to leave I would have responded " I will as soon as I conclude my business" . Freezing your money was way too much. Almost like she/he was punishing you??? Who the he[[ is he/she.


I would not stand for it. As a matter of fact if my money was there I would close my accounts.


Good Luck!









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Wow!!!!! Just hearing your story makes me furious. Who is this guy to freeze YOUR money because he doesn't agree with your language???? I work very hard for the money I make and someone else messing with it would get me worked up real quick. I would immediately close out everything and check into any possible legal ramifications that could result. I hope it gets straightened out for you very soon.



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freedom of speach. he had a right to ask you to watch your language or maybe leave but that goes beyond laws in my eyes. i have has so much bs with b of a im closing my account especially after hearing this. i would make the corporate complaint.....somthing like a bank with AMERICA in its name should not be infringing your rights or holding your money. That guy needs to loose his job. he made it personal and went out of his way on his own portraying the bank like that they should be concerned about their image. ill bet you make progress.

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B of A hands out credit cards to illegals--do you really want to do business with them??

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Wow I can't imagine someone doing that just for dropping the F-Bomb. Now I can see if he was an anti hunter and found out you were a hunter from your phone conversation. Now I can see an anti doing something like. Those antis are WACKO JACKO! But just for cursing infront of him its hard to believe someone would even think about what He did just for that. Maybe you didn't see the sign on his door that said NO CURSING in this office or all accounts will be frozen for 5-7 business days.

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