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Hunter Safety

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So, anyone on this forum have an inside track or information about when hunter safety may kick off again? I guess the class is now online but good luck scheduling the field day. 
I got my hunter safety in California probably 20 years ago, this year I want to OTC archery elk in Colorado and they require a physical certificate. 
I can’t possibly imagine how many up and coming kids are missing out on their class, as well as new hunters.
If they do start scheduling field days the backlog is gonna be ridiculous. 
Any helpful info is appreciated. 

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38 minutes ago, Scholastichog said:

So, anyone on this forum have an inside track or information about when hunter safety may kick off again? I guess the class is now online but good luck scheduling the field day. 
I got my hunter safety in California probably 20 years ago, this year I want to OTC archery elk in Colorado and they require a physical certificate. 
I can’t possibly imagine how many up and coming kids are missing out on their class, as well as new hunters.
If they do start scheduling field days the backlog is gonna be ridiculous. 
Any helpful info is appreciated. 

Me too. I took the hunter safety class in '72 and now AZGFD says they won't accept my certificate because it's carved on a stone tablet. That's BS I want my hunter safety point.

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You can take the class, pass and hunt for a kid that needs it. When feild days come available they will have 1 year to complete. I believe it’s the same for 14 years to Adult. My 10 year old kid just passed and will be hunting this year. Kids 10-13 are required to have it done and must keep a copy of completion of on-line course while they are actively hunting.

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37 minutes ago, Edge said:

Me too. I took the hunter safety class in '72 and now AZGFD says they won't accept my certificate because it's carved on a stone tablet. That's BS I want my hunter safety point.

That sucks

I took mine in Washington state in 1977 when we moved to the states as the one I took in Japan was ineligible to use in Washington back back then. back in 90 something we went to Colorado to hunt. 3 weeks before I called Washington state G&F and they shipped it out to me. then in 2000 something I had misplaced it called Washington state and they sent me another one from 77.


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Dinosaur here. When I was in Jr. High, I guess they call it Middle School now, anyway  hunter safety was offered as an elective way back when. I took the more modern version in the 90's to get the bonus point. That was at the Tempe Public Library, then we did our field day at Rio Salado.

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Yes it was, thats were I got mine in Bremerton Washington was at a middle school. If I recall it was offered here in peoria at the middle school just south of peoria and 73rd. in the 80's. they shut it down around 90's something cause guns were bad a short time later one of our friends lived right across that school and was a big shooter. the school tried to get them ran out of there house when they went to that GUNS are banned in so many feet from the school in the mid 90's. poor people had the cops called on them way to many times. Some duche in the school district pushed it hard even to the point where a city cop had to be at the front of that particular house during school hours. the city voted to exempt houses close to the school shortly after.

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I had a similar problem. I took the hunter safety course in AZ when I was a kid. It was sponsored by the NRA. Anyways, I lost my certificate but was grandfathered in with a signed afadavit for my AZ hunter ed point. I wanted to start applying out of state but needed the certificate. As we all know, finding an open field day in AZ is difficult at best and I was under a time restraint.  I actually found an online hunter safety course and the only state that I could find that did not require a field day was Pennsylvania. So, I have a Pennsylvania hunter safety certificate for out of state applications. I believe I went through hunter-ed.com but not positive.

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When the Dept created the Hunter Education Bonus Point the cut off year for having the AZ Certificate was 1980. It has always been the case that the certification had to be from 1980 and forward to present time. Certificates earned, received or bestowed prior to 1980 were thought to not have the kind of uniformity or standardization of course materials and firearm handling and firing under certified instructor supervision that courses offered in 1980 to present.

The AZ Hunter Education Branch is actively working on plans to restart courses in the time of Covid, Covid-19. There are hurdles and hoops to navigate, safety and other concerns to iron out and some training that will need to be undertaken by the current all-volunteer instructor teams before field days can resume.

It is correct that the Online Course Completion Certificate is sufficient for youth hunters to participate in hunts they have permits for at this time. As long as there are Covid restrictions, and no field days to attend, the Dept will continue to honor them and extend any "deadline" to complete the field day portion of the completed course.

Adults wanting the field day to earn a bonus point will be behind a considerable back log of youth students that have completed the online course. Those youth will be the priority participants once field days resume.

If adults will exercise continued patience their reward will be the opportunity to obtain the extra bonus point without the current requirement to travel to Arizona for the field day. Hopefully this will be a reality by late summer of 2021.

I'm confident I speak for all the volunteer instructors in Arizona that we'll be very happy to get back to conducting field days as soon as possible and especially look forward to resuming classroom education to youth and new hunters.

Jim Rich


Mohave Valley, AZ

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If your looking to hunt out of state, in a state that requires hunter safety, look into Nevada’s online course. I hear they don’t require a field day, or an in person testing. 


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I am curious, if I have my hunter safety certificate from another state, what do I do with it? Do I need to mail, email, fax to AZGFD?

I actually have two from two different states, think I can get a double bonus? 😉

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3 hours ago, Nuker said:

I am curious, if I have my hunter safety certificate from another state, what do I do with it? Do I need to mail, email, fax to AZGFD?

I actually have two from two different states, think I can get a double bonus? 😉

I brought my out of state certificate (Wi) to my field day a few years ago, they looked at it and asked if I wanted it back.  Didn't make a difference to them if I had it or not.   Passed the simple course, get your point.

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