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Cowards Caught on Camera!

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Phil - Sorry to hear about the Jacka$$es messing with your cameras. Any chance the rancher might work with you in trying to ID the Thieves?


I hope so and that's where I'm gonna start. We've always had pleasant enough encounters he just won't let me in through his property. He always waves and smiles everytime I pass him but I don't know if he'll rat out someone he's given access to.



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Post it everywhere. Someone knows them.

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Good job to ya! Nice work with the second cam! You are very lucky that your cam was still there. Checked my cam last weekend and got a little worried when I found horse apples and horse tracks bout 50 yds from my cam while I was walking in. :angry: Some SOB on horse back didn't steal it but piled up sticks in front of it so it wouldn't take any more pics. They did it after the battery died so i didn't get any pics of them. My cam was locked up tight and I am pretty sure that it would have been gone if it wasn't. Anyway, good job and I hope you catch them SOB's!



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Laeve a box or two of Krispy Kreames out and I'll bet that yellow one will be back for sure!

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I still say someone needs to invent a fake trail cam that has a dye cannister and pepper spray inside that would explode everywhere when tampered with. A picture of that happening would be priceless :)

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I still say someone needs to invent a fake trail cam that has a dye cannister and pepper spray inside that would explode everywhere when tampered with. A pciture of that happening would be priceless :)


Sounds like you got a million dollar idea there!...... :lol:

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Laeve a box or two of Krispy Kreames out and I'll bet that yellow one will be back for sure!



I didn't think baiting was legal for that species...could be wrong though.

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I still say someone needs to invent a fake trail cam that has a dye cannister and pepper spray inside that would explode everywhere when tampered with. A picture of that happening would be priceless :)



Get one of those old film cams off ebay for $20, take out the insides and stuff a live snake in there. Hang it in plain site on a water tank and listen for the girly screams.

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Do you think old yeller is the wife, sister, or mother? Maybe all three!!




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Do you think old yeller is the wife, sister, or mother? Maybe all three!!




I would vote mother...Looks like she learnd him real good <_<

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It would kind of suck if that old rancher(after being shown the pics) said , well yup , that there is my son dingus and my wife ethel!! Of course this would be after you talked about how fat she was!! :lol: AG

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Well, I admire you for putting these pics out anyway. I know of someone here who got a camera stolen last year and caught them on a second cam he had in the same area. He refused to show their pics, hoping they would just return it.


Don't want to post a link to another web site, but over on monstermuleys there is a post in the general hunting section from an Arizona elk unit where a guy removed the memory chip from the camera, but left it on and the internal memory snaped a picture of him. That guy put the thiefs pic on the post for the whole world to see.




heck I'll post the link cause these people need to get caught and get the living you know what beat out of them!!!!




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Alright, now I'm sketchin that all my cams are going to get ripped off! I still think it's worth the risk because of their effectiveness. Just out of curiosity though-- as far as "the letter of the law" is concerned, even if you did identify who someone is that takes a camera-- is it not "public property" as it is out in the public forest hanging on a tree?? Don't get me wrong here-- I know it is stealing plain as day and anyone who takes one realizes that as well but again as far as busting someone for it-- how is that going to happen?? Has anyone asked the game and fish about it? I think the most justice you will get is posting them online and actually figuring out who it is and then the ridicule is on!! Another question-- I just went out to check a spot that I have 2 cams on and then I notices that someone else showed up and hung their camera on the same freakin spot! I know I don't own the spot but give me a break-- is there no other spots to hang a camera--- What are all of your thoughts on that subject??


Good luck everyone-- only a few more weeks!!



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