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Mountain Lion As A Pet? Well, in Russia, Yes!

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By pure luck I found this and thought others might find it as interesting as I did.

I must say this lion sure looks comfortable as a pet in this household,  He also seems to understand what the family is saying to him just like a dog would.

There are a few of these related vids if you want to see more.  I watched part of two, which was enough.




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They were  pretty cool vids watched them a long while back. the one where he takes the lion to obedience training is funnier than crap.

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Yea they can make good pets they end up being like having a giant house cat. Back in the late 60s early 70s there was a lady game and fish officer that worked for AZGFD and her area included the wickenburg area she ended up finding a lion cub caught in a leg snare on its right rear leg. She brought it in for rehab and they ended up amputating that leg just above the knee joint and at the same time it was declawed on its fronts because it could not be returned to the wild. Somehow she ended up being able to keep it and worked on training it. I used to love it when she came into where I worked at that time which was about once a week. She always had the mountain lion with her and I always got to play with it. It loved to rub up against you and purr just like a regular house cat, it was so cool.

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Cool video. 

In Africa, one lodge had a pet cheetah named Savanah. She had the run of the place, and scared the bejabbers out of me the night we arrived in the dark. The next day, we became best buddies when the lodge owner came to our cabin early with Savanah along, and she jumped in bed with me .  This photo was taken with her in your usual resting place in the dining area. 


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6 hours ago, trphyhntr said:

A member here’s dad had a pet mountain lion. Srs 

One of the kids I went to highschool in washington state with, his dad had a pet my lion . they had a bunch of differnt exotic animals on there property. I forget why me a another couple of friends went to his house, but we walked in the house he said dont worry about the cat he's harmless. go sit on the couch and a mt lion comes out of the hallway and jumps on the couch. we were all like WTF.

story is his  dad ran a trapline and he found the kitten. thing was pretty cool we werent scared of it just in awe it roamed there house.

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