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Where's it at??

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I discovered this several years ago and only recently did a search on the name and found some interesting old west Arizona history - treasure, double crosses, jail escapes and a little mystery. The name on the headstone is Zwing Hunt.


So, where's it at??



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Don't know but can't wait to read the story, or maybe see the movie.

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I am a big Arizona history buff, but I don't recall ever reading that name in any of my books. I guess I will have to do a little searching. David

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I looked this up, was pretty cool. Came up with a few different storys.

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Here's the link to one of the stories about Zwing Hunt. I asked the local rancher what he know about the marker and he told me that the grave was once marked only by a carving on a tree at the head of the grave. At some point a person cutting firewood cut the tree down. The Cochise County Historical Society feared the location of the grave would be lost without the a marker so they placed what is in my picture. There are many variations of the story but this is the one I found most detailed.




The grave marker is located in Hunt Canyon in the Chiricahua Mountains.

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