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WTB 25-20 Winchester Ammo/Cases

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Looking for any factory loaded 25-20 Winchester cartridges or empty brass… please let me know if you have any for sale… thanks


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Reminded me that I needed to buy bullets to reload. Hard to find stuff for the 25 20 win these days. Found some 60 grain Hornady bullets though. 

I am gonna take it out coyote hunting one of these days. Gotta take something with it.

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You can easily make 25-20 from 32-20 brass and starline usually has it available. Just run the lubed case into your seating die to start reducing the case mouth diameter then run a lubed case into your full length sizer with the decapping assembly removed ( if you don't do this it will crush the case). Check for length and trim if needed. Then full length size the case with a decapping assembly in place and  check for function in your firearm. Then load and shoot.

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53 minutes ago, Nitemann said:

You can easily make 25-20 from 32-20 brass and starline usually has it available. Just run the lubed case into your seating die to start reducing the case mouth diameter then run a lubed case into your full length sizer with the decapping assembly removed ( if you don't do this it will crush the case). Check for length and trim if needed. Then full length size the case with a decapping assembly in place and  check for function in your firearm. Then load and shoot.

I've never tried it, but .218 Bee is also the same case.  It might be easier to run a .257 expander ball thru the .224 neck rather than reducing .32 to .25?????

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218 Bee was impossible to find until Hornady started making it. Either one will work but the 32-20 is a lot cheaper and you would probably need a tapered expander for the 218Bee brass. Biggest issue will be finding bullets since most places have discontinued them (love the Speer 75gr flat point). Fortunately several companies make cast bullets. This all assuming your shooting a lever gun.

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