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1906 FN/Browning 25 cal (Trade?)/(price drop)

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Picked this little guy up recently in trade and man is it a cool little peice of history but I'm just not at the stage to collect antiques. I have personally never fired the gun but everything cycles and functions like it should at a glance. The previous owner stated that he had owned it for years and it was the gun that his wife and children would shoot.  Looked online and you can find aftermarket replica grips for like $20-50 on ebay, even cheaper if you look and make offers.  Open to trades for polymer pistols, and will honestly entertain any 2nd ammendment style trade. It doesn't hurt to ask.  If you just want to buy it asking $370 OBO Comes with 1 mag and 1 50rd box of ammo. Feel free to text Nick 623 210 0807


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