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2007-08 Big Game Super Raffle Elk

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I think it is pretty bad when I have to get all of my info on what is going on with the boy's from this forum. It sounds like half of you have talked to one of those little b*****ds and I can't even get a phone call! :lol: :o


jk. I know they are busy





Jim, I was thinking today that you would be the first one to get a call since you are the guy that taught them everything they know.


Cmon Jimmy, post some pics of that fella. David



David, Matt did call me after the shots were fired and I do appreciate that. Both of them have had only an hour of sleep since 3 AM Monday morning and I hope they listen to me for once and stay there tonite and get some rest before heading down the hill. I know Jim is anxious to get you guy's the pics but hopefully it is not till about noon tomorrow. He is hard headed so we will see. I did get through to Matt this evening and he said the bases were 13 1/2" and the smallest mass measurement was 9". Matt also said he was hoping he could get a picture of the bigger Bull before he left or else he will have to wait till next week to try. :o


Jimmy corrected me on the smallest mass # it is 7 3/4 and there was 76" total mass. Jimbo said he is staying the night at camp.



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since I can see this thread hasn't resulted in name calling, @#$t talking, or some other insulting tone (like it would have on some other website), I thought I'd start...


Must be a farmed bull! No way! Moo!!!


Okay, I have no idea what is going on... :P



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Jim, How can we sleep tonight without the Pics. I am going nuts here. Cant wait to see them!!!!!!!

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Rumor has it these pics wont be posted until the 18th of next month.... :P

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HaHaHa!!!! :lol: :lol: :P



No pics tonight.... :( Those fart smellers are sound asleep in there Butlerbags in land of giant bulls! You all will have to wait another 20 hours.....


But while your waiting.... try to imagine what 76 inches of mass look like! :blink:

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I recieved the pics this morning; and wow what a Bull. Congrads to Jim, Matt and the hunter!



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Gino, you and I both know what it looks like :D



Yes, I know what it looks like.... ;)...... Looks like a TOAD!!!!! :lol: :lol:

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Butler bags?!?!?! When was the last time you went outside and felt how F'n hot it is? Maybe they're cuddled up in a sheet with some scorps and kangaroo rats. Oh ya, I can imagine what 76" of mass looks like on a bull that's in full velvet. Seriously, I've always wondered how much difference there is after it sheds off. I know I got duped last year with my wt buck so I'm just wonderin.......


What an awesome bull to be a 6x6 and be that big.... Can't wait for the good pics.

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Gino, you and I both know what it looks like :D


What does this mean?????? Were you there on the hunt? Are you even referring to the elk's antlers or something kinky between you and Gino? Just curious is all..... but not bi-curious as my avatar might suggest.

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Gino, you and I both know what it looks like :D


What does this mean?????? Were you there on the hunt? Are you even referring to the elk's antlers or something kinky between you and Gino? Just curious is all..... but not bi-curious as my avatar might suggest.



Seen pix....



About being duped by your buck last year... Still one of the most mass impressive bucks I have ever seen!

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Can you say "out of the loop"................













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I have pictures of it and it is very big!! The mass on this thing is incredible. I thing the velvet is very deceiving though. I would imagine this thing wouldn't score nearly as high without the velvet.



One this is for sure. This bull is a pig and worth the wait for the pictures!!

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