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Illinois State 150th Anniversary edition, excellent condition. $475




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Just want to clear things up: if you require a copy of my DRIVERS LICENSE I’ll pass I understand you have your standards and I just don’t give my personal information out. Hopefully this helps I passed on a great rifle and was ready to buy , but not to give my DL OUT THERE. 


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1 hour ago, SO I HUNT said:

Just want to clear things up: if you require a copy of my DRIVERS LICENSE I’ll pass I understand you have your standards and I just don’t give my personal information out. Hopefully this helps I passed on a great rifle and was ready to buy , but not to give my DL OUT THERE. 


If you're not willing to prove who you are, I figure you have something to hide, or are not allowed to buy weapons. I'm not selling a gun to someone like that.

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13 minutes ago, Couestracker said:

If you're not willing to prove who you are, I figure you have something to hide, or are not allowed to buy weapons. I'm not selling a gun to someone like that.

But to actually make a copy?  I’d question that myself and I have nothing to hide. 

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I sort of understand the idea of checking their ID.  All you can gain from that is to confirm their age.  No way of knowing if they’re a dangerous felon unless you check their background.  In that case, a paper trail will hurt you.  It proves you willingly sold to an unknown person.  I don’t know what the right thing to do is.  I made deals before in parking lots and buy in stores where I’m run through the system.  If it worries you, the best thing is to send it to a FFL.  I don’t have problems with people that do that either.  The problem with that is that everyone out there is cheap.  You see it all the time where people post here they’re looking for a Ruger American or Savage or another inexpensive gun.  New these are around $350.  Used, who knows?  All you know is they’re looking for bottom dollar and probably freak out at paying $250 and then another $35 for a background check.  If I was asked for a copy of my ID, I would ask for a copy of theirs too.  I think that’s fair.  Maybe trade photos of  the plates, vehicles and each other’s face.  Make it really fair.

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If selling, always complete a Bill of Sale and ask to see buyer’s DL to confirm both AZ residency and info on the bill of sale.  I have sold many guns over the years. On two occasions I have gotten calls from the ATF who recovered my sold guns involved in crimes. I had the bill of sale with buyers info to give them for follow up. Also, when I meet the buyer I write down the vehicles license plate with make/model/color. It takes liability off me and shows that I did due diligence in the sale.  If buyer won’t agree to that, no problem... lots of other responsible buyers will. 

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2 hours ago, SO I HUNT said:

Just want to clear things up: if you require a copy of my DRIVERS LICENSE I’ll pass I understand you have your standards and I just don’t give my personal information out. Hopefully this helps I passed on a great rifle and was ready to buy , but not to give my DL OUT THERE. 


Who cares if they have a copy? 

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1 hour ago, Couestracker said:

If you're not willing to prove who you are, I figure you have something to hide, or are not allowed to buy weapons. I'm not selling a gun to someone like that.

Not hiding anything as I said no problem showing you my drivers license just not giving out a copy.. no big deal thanks for the offer..

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Just now, SO I HUNT said:

Not hiding anything as I said no problem showing you my drivers license just not giving out a copy.. no big deal thanks for the offer..

What’s the difference?

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