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Big Browns

National geographic mapping software

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Well I decided to buy the NGMS today. I'm not impressed. 1. a lot of the roads are either not ware they should be or there not really there anymore. fore example the new section of Hwy on 87 around sycamore creek is not updated. 2. The 3D section is really slow when using the fly-Thru feature. 3. the detail is lacking in my opinion.


I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I know I was expecting more than what I got. Do any of you guys have or use this software? What do you think? Any suggestions on the best way to use the software?



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I use National Geographic's Topo! software. It's great stuff. I haven't upgraded to the newest version which has the flying through stuff, but i find it's really good. But then I don't use it to find roads/highways, I just rely on it to create topographic maps for any spot in the state that I want to check out.



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I've been using it for years and I really like it. While I have, on occasion found some things that weren't 100% accurate I'm usually blown away at how amazingly accurate it is. I don't usually use the 3D and fly-through stuff - you're right about the slowness of that feature. Overall, I think it has a lot of great features - not quite as good as Maptech, but much cheaper.


One of my favorite ways to use it is in a laptop connected to a GPS when exploring some new country. You always know exactly where you are and what is coming up. One of the probably less-used features that is also pretty cool IMO is the ability to download maps to a PDA/Pocket PC and connect to that with your GPS - pretty cool but sometimes you lose a little bit of the "big picture" when using that small of a screen.


I hope you like it more as you use it more. Here is a link to a site you can download all of the hunt unit boudaries. http://www.trailsillustrated.com/topo/search.cfm

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