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While in the woods/desert

Which is the feared the most  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. Which would scare or bother you the most while in the woods/desert

    • Bear
    • Mountain Lion
    • Wolves
    • Rattlesnake
    • All of the above
  2. 2. Other worries while in the woods/desert

    • Getting lost
    • Getting hurt
    • Other people
    • The dark
    • Dehydration
    • Flash flood

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I seen the first poll on the weather channel. I don't know if anyone worries about the second set of questions, or do they.


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A lion sneaking up on me is my worst nightmare :( . I always worry about breaking a leg, ankle or some crap like that and not being able to get back to the vehicle. With VERIZON phone service you can't get a signal now you are screwed.


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I am not afraid of snakes but think they are the most likely to get someone.


As I have aged I become more conscious of getting hurt.



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Rattlesnakes creap the he!! outta me! I have had a couple close encounters and I have seen what can happen first hand. I think lions and bears are more scared of us unless they are rabid so they don't bother me that much.


Also other people creep me out the most. I have had some strange people walk into camp that looked all messed up and that is scarier than a little lion

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Rattlesnakes creap the he!! outta me! I have had a couple close encounters and I have seen what can happen first hand. I think lions and bears are more scared of us unless they are rabid so they don't bother me that much.


Also other people creep me out the most. I have had some strange people walk into camp that looked all messed up and that is scarier than a little lion


Stop telling Casey where you are Camped :ph34r:

T. Ruble

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I left out Bigfoot, chupacabras, skinwalkers, ufo's and other unexplained type stuff, that includes the boogie man, I did put other people which does include the banjo pickin weirdos, drug farmers, and illegal smugglers (coyotes).

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I think runnin' into a big ol' nest of Africanized bees is pretty dang scary myself. If you have a big ol' pack on, goin up a steep SOB or crossing a nasty canyon, what are you to do if you start gettin stung? They can get hold of you pretty quick and immobilize ya. Snakes and Lions get my other two votes.



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When out predator calling alone the thought of a lion sneeking up on me freaks me out but that nervousness is all part of the rush! ;) Other than that rattle snakes are probably my biggest concern during the warmer months.



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Guest 300ultramag.

hunters..... that look at you through their scopes!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:


i watched a guy for fifteen minutes while glassing he looked like he was on a blood trail. 45 min later after not turning up any bucks while glassing i thought i would check up on the hunter.. and sure as sh#t he was glassin me back.. but with his rifle!

for like 2 min. i thought man if he pulls out a range finder im takin him out: just kidding...


i always wear a nice orange under shirt for those elite hunters that can glass with their rifle scopes. IDIOTS :(


dehydration is up there as well, cause once ur dehy. its almost always to late when u feel the affects to get rehy. in the desrt.

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two legged critters are by FAR the most dangerous. They are the only thing I ever worry about when out alone.

Think about it. You are out by yourself with a $1,000 rifle and scope, a $1500 pair of binocs, a $200 pack, a $150 GPS, a $300 digital camera, knives, boots, water filters, etc etc. Easy pickins for a meth freak. If they are brave enough to climb a 3 story building and rip live electrical cable out of the conduit for the $20 worth of copper they get, they will sure as heck beat you like a stray dog for the $3,000 worth of crap you are carrying.

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I gotta say Lions and getting hurt. I had a run in with a lion and that is why there are only second choices. Snakes are likely the most common bt you don't hear about too many people getting snakebit anymore.


Getting hurt is something that can happen anytime to anyone but as I too get Older (errrr, make that .. more experienced) I think I am getting smarter too. That big red "S" on my chest is fading every season it seems.


Hey, Huntn Coues, When did they rename phoenix to "that crap hole they call the valley"? LOVE IT :lol:


I'm in Rapid City, SD this week and just love to stop in to CWT.com and find out what's going on back in AZ.

Thanks for keeping it interesting!

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When out predator calling alone the thought of a lion sneeking up on me freaks me out but that nervousness is all part of the rush! ;) Other than that rattle snakes are probably my biggest concern during the warmer months.






I used to get freaked out about the lion thing when predator calling alone too. Until I had a large tom and a female come into the call. I shot the smaller one first because it was the first one I saw. Only wounded it. Then had to track a wounded female through the tall grass and rocks all the while thinking about the tom jumping on my back. Finally found the female and finished her off. Never saw the tom again. Skeered the he!! out of me. All this was done with a 22 mag, SHHH.

Now I hope something sneaks up on me while calling, LOL


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