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Scottyboy's Pad

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Scottyboy was cordial enough to let me stay at his house last night.

We headed over to his place after the CW party and treated Casey to his B-Day brew.


Talk about a hunters dream! He's got more mounts in EVERY room than

most people would even consider sane. There are mounts on the walls, mounts in closets,

tanned hides in boxes, garage full of taxidermy stuff and antlers, pictures on the walls,

really cool stuff.


The coolest thing is that he's got animals from many different places, all with a cool story

behind them.


Scotty's birddogs are awesome too. This boy has the bug BAD! :lol:

He got me so bad we're now talking about an Africa hunt for 2010.


Here is a lot of leather...



Here are some more mounts...not even CLOSE to the quantity he has around the house...





This was probably my favorite.

Just something you don't see everyday...



Again, thanks for giving me a place to crash.

Post up some more pics!

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It was no problem at all, Hector. Just be ready this fall to head on back down for a crack at a few coveys of Mearns with me! And I'm holdin' ya to that trip in 2010.. I know I'll be there again!


As for the house, I've got too much crap!!

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Nice place.. I haven't ever thought about going to Africa.. always wanted to spend my time in Mexico after Coues or Alberta after summer mulies or Alaska, but the last few years I've looked over some prices and it sure seems that you can get a pretty good hunt for a fraction of some of my other hunts, I may have to look into it.. Especially now that I have a job. :)

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