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Gone Batty

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Went to the AzGFD sponsored "Bat Night" at Oracle State Park, July 11 2008. Had some great information on hand and a good lecture given by a wildlife biologist. Thought I post some pix because there is some really bad urban myths about bats out there and thus misinformation leads to a bum rap for the bats. They are very special critters, protected in Arizona (it's illegal to harm bats) but sometimes ignorance reigns. Fairy tales and concerns about rabies drives the bat fear, but you have a bette chance of getting struck by lighting than getting rabies from a bat.








The bats are a Pallid Bat(the one with big ears) and a California Mytois. Although some Myotis are hard to tell from others so this may just get filed under "Myotis". Here's some cool links for bat info



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Went camping on the rim last week at bats were flying everywhere right at sundown.


When I was in the army, a herd of bats took up in the gym next to the barracks. One time, in the locker room, 3 or 4 of them flew out of the a/c register in broad daylight. Them city boys about went out of their minds. I heard words that would have made Richard Prior blush.

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Great pictures, thanks for sharing, and remember most of them can eat their weight in mosquito's each day ;)

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