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snake gaitors.

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I always wanted to know if they realy worked but i did not want to find out for myself. This may make some sick like it did me. http://www.crackshotcorp.com/

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Immpressive... :blink: What's the price of those gators? I couldn't find it. The only thing that bothers me is the lack of front coverage, but most snake gators don't have it either. The one frame of the snake hanging up on the tip of the boot nailed the vunerability of any snake gator for me. Either you'd better have a steel toed boot or some very seamless snake proof boots... the only reason a snake would get hung up is that its fang some how penetrated the boot or it got through the boot seam(did ya notice how quickly the "model" kicked the snake off). Both would make for a very bad day.

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Thanks for the heads up definatly going to look into these for upcoming goat hunt. Am I missing something? Whats so gross about the video?

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Thanks for the heads up definatly going to look into these for upcoming goat hunt. Am I missing something? Whats so gross about the video?



The dadgum SNAKES :blink: :blink:

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