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Aravaipa trip

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My husband and I were out in Aravaipa and Turkey Creek the other day. We hadn't ever spent much time out on that side (Klondyke side). Gorgeous country with lots of big trees and water and cliff formations. We camped in Turkey Creek and no one else was in there. Nice!


Some Aravaipa scenery:









On the way in you go by some houses and one of them has some great artwork out for people to enjoy. Anyone know the guy that makes these?










We camped in Turkey creek which is a side canyon off Aravaipa at the edge of the wilderness boundary. Neat canyon!


here is a giant grapevine and old corral where we camped:






We did some hiking up Oak Grove Canyon as well and that is an impressive place. Surprising amount of water and trees in there. And the cliff scenery is spectacular. Hard to get the scale right here, but the boulders are car sized in this pic:








We saw a fair amount of wildlife including a single coati, a group of javelina, some turkeys, a single tiny, baby skunk and a deer. Saw bear sign, but no bear.






Can you find the deer???






Didn't get pics of much of the wildlife, but a few of the smaller creatures were the canyon treefrog, colorado river toad and this giant water beetle eating a hapless insect.









The dogs of course loved the trip and the water. Found some very deep pools!












And if anyone is looking for a business to run in the middle of nowhere, the old Klondyke store is for sale. Price reduced!!




And here are some pics of an old adobe building we saw.







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Thanks Amanda, I woke up to coffee and a slide show of your trip. Now that has started my day off right. It's been about 12 yrs since I've been over to Klondike. Bought some home made jerky there that tasted like it was made back in the 60's. :lol: They weighed it on an old scale as you bought it. I don't recall beong in the area were you were but after viewing your pics it makes me want to go back.

The deer is just above the v. The horizonal back line of the deer caught my eye first. Sounded like you all had a great trip.




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Great pictures! Haven't been in that area in over 20 years, brought back memories of being in the Lackner's workshop and seeing all of the big whitetail racks that they had collected over the years from that area.

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Thanks for the replies guys. Sounds like several of you need to make a trip in there!



Hey Lark,


Where does that crazy lady live that blocked off the road down there? I kept trying to figure out where exactly that was. I figured you would know.




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The Crazy Lady (Norma) lives in house just past the church on the left hand side. I think the guys name that has the artwork is called John, I have always known him as Crazy John. He sure can save you out there tho if you ever break down, he normally has some spare parts and has saved us on a few occasions. He used to sell some of his artwork in the Klondyke store when it was open, but now you can prolly swing by his house and he would prolly sell you some stuff.

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