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climate change delusion

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oh man, this is just too good. now they've actually come up with a clinical reference for global warming freaks. maybe they can get disablilty for it. heck, maybe i'll catch it, if i can get some money outta the deal. well, i guess this is the only way to 'splain how seemingly somewhat intelligent folks can take record snowfall, record cold, record ice in antarctica, growing glaciers, and call it global "warming". Lark.





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It's becoming more and more of a joke. I guess they failed to realize, that if there is a rise in global temperatures, the growing season will increase as will the amount of food produced. the tell all line is that we should pay more for fuel, and food. This is all about the dollar. I'm just waiting for the extra taxes to start for energy consumption.

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heck yes it's about the dollar. the tax dollar. just a new way to tax folks and the koolaid crowd is too ignernt to realize it. i'd like to put a carbon footprint right on gore's fat butt. so the earth is warming up? really? it's only been doing it for 13,000 years now. did folks just notice it? it's called weather. and it ain't caused by humans. it's caused by, one more time now, the weather. which is caused by the tempreture and current flow of the ocean, the sun and what kind of sunspot cycle it is in and how hot it happens to be, volcano emissions to some extent,etc, etc. but for some reason some folks think it is cow farts and co2 footprints, whatever that is. the anazasi disappeared from this country because it was in a horrible drought, a thousand years ago. did they cause the "global warming" then? the reason that strativarius violins are so sought after is because the earth was in a sort of mini iceage for awhile during the dark ages and the trees grew extremely slow and the winter and summer growth rings were almost exactly the same thickness and the wood they used was from that part of the trees. that's why they have such a sweet sound that can't be matched now by any wood we have. did stratavarius cause the mini ice age? the weather changes all the time. year to year, decade to decade. and even changes dramatically, at times, within all time frames. it's just the dang weather. folks that are too stupid to figure it out really aggravate me. like they used to say on the x-files, the truth is out there. but folks that want your money don't want you to think enough on your own to find it. Lark.

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