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I saw this story on another website today. The article it references is in the link here..... Global Warming creating more Ice in polar regions.




Satellites have been tracking the concentration of ice in the Arctic and Antarctic since 1980. And in the Arctic, from May of 1980 until May of 2008, guess how much ice has melted away because of global warming ... none. Zero. Nada. Zip. In May 1980 and May 2008, the total amount of ice concentration is 10.9 million square kilometers. Now let's go to the other side of the planet. Not only is the Antarctic experiencing record ice, but since May 1980 the total ice concentration is up 35%!


Now there's something you won't see reported in the lamestream media. I guess the poor polar bears make better headlines.


Maybe this means global warming was taking place before 1980. OwlGore should have been working on global warming when he was busy creating the internet

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Pretty funny Lark!!! I know you like to stir the pot!!! ;)


I like the 'lamestream media' reference also az4life!! Pretty good!! You're right about your story not being reported on most sites! Only from the 'NUZE' on globalwarmingHOAX.com!!!! :lol: :lol:


Gotta luv the so called media (lamestream or not....) on both sides, don't you? Spin-masters to the grandest extend!!! :rolleyes:




:lol: :lol:


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Well another independent study shows the "real" cause of global warming...




Global Warming Study


An article from the New Scientists says that cleaner skies have actually contributed to at least half of the warming that has occurred in Europe since 1980. The way it works is that the cleaner the skies, the more the sun's rays can pierce the atmosphere, which causes more warming of the earth. In Europe, the temperature has risen one degree Celsius since 1980. Scientists at the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science in Switzerland took aerosol concentrations from six locations in northern Europe and compared them with solar-radiation measurements over the same period. And guess what they found? Aerosol concentrations dropped by up to 60% while solar radiation rose by about 1 watt per square meter. Rolf Philipona, a co-author of the study at MeteoSwiss, Switzerland's national weather service says, "The decrease in aerosols probably accounts for at least half of the warming over Europe in the last 30 years."


Well .. I guess that proves that some global warming is man-made. We're working too hard to clean up the atmosphere. Who knew?

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On the one hand we have AlGore and the people making money on global carbon credits and alternative energy.

"OwlGore" quoted today as saying that we have only 10 years to completely switch our energy sources.....

OwlGore's Challenge to the US...


Ano on the other hand, we have 50,000 Educatd and recognized Physicists who say among other things that the data used to promote global climate change hysteria is full of flaws and inaccuracies at best and intentionally deceiving and Skewed to prove a point at worst.

Global warming a farce says 50,000 physicists


OwlGore wants the US to switch totally to Wind solar and other rnewable sources of energy in the next 10 trillion. Trillion estimated cost....15-30 Trillion dollars (you can bet it would be 60 Trillion) That s a lot of KOOLAID! Even if we did that, Solar and Wind are inadequate. Where would we "store" the energy????


More perspective on the "cost"

How much is a Million?

How much is a Billion?

How much is a Trillion?


What's the difference between a million, a billion, a trillion?


A million seconds is 12 days.

A billion seconds is 31 years.

A trillion seconds is 31,688 years.


A million minutes ago was – 1 year, 329 days, 10 hours and 40 minutes ago.

A billion minutes ago was just after the time of Christ.


A million hours ago was in 1885.

A billion hours ago man had not yet walked on earth.


A million dollars ago was five (5) seconds ago at the U.S. Treasury.

A billion dollars ago was late yesterday afternoon at the U.S. Treasury.


A trillion dollars is so large a number that only politicians

can use the term in conversation... probably because they

seldom think about what they are really saying. I've read that

mathematicians do not even use the term trillion!

Here is some perspective on TRILLION:


Trillion = 1,000,000,000,000.

The country has not existed for a trillion seconds.

Western civilization has not been around a trillion seconds.

One trillion seconds ago – 31,688 years – Neanderthals stalked the plains of Europe.


What is a

Million: 1,000,000

Billion: 1,000,000,000

Trillion: 1,000,000,000,000

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Marlon, after all those conversions I need to take a couple of Advil. Whatever comes out of Al Bore's mouth is such a huge load of dog poo crap. We have ten years and then we're doomed? - What happened to their theory about Global Warming/Climate Change taking a vacation for ten years or till 2015 or whenever the he!! they said it would be back. These snake oil charletans need to go away, he's probably not making enough money on his carbon credits -- er! I mean carbon scam, so he's arbitrarily created this new deadline giving us all ten years before we all just spontaneously combust. Maybe he can employ David Copperfield and together they can power the planet and it's economy on smoke and mirrors, ooops can't do that, smoke has carbon in it. Ok just mirrors.

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more anti-gore proof. How much more do you need!


A journal for the American Physical Society published mathematical proof that there is no "climate crisis". It found that the UN's overstated estimates resulted in a "500-2000% overstatement of CO2's effect on temperature."

More Proof GlobalWarming / Climate Change is hoax

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