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Gr8 White Jr

1st real success with trail cam

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After trying several attemps with my trail cam last year all i had come up with was a picture of one coues doe. It was very discouraging but I tried again this year in a totally diferent location and I finally got a good turn out. I left my camera out for 6 weeks but the battery lasted less than a week (cheap Moultrie). Still it took 161 pics in a period of four days. it kills me to think of all the shots that the camera missed because it was dead over the last five weeks. I bought a solar panel yesterday and I am going out next weekend to set it up. Well here are just a few of the pics.









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Thanks fer sharing them, cant wait to see more ;)

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Glad you got some pics, Looks like a good spot.

I might suggest you back the camera off about 10-15 feet.

There are more than likely more critters to see with the one you are getting pics of.

Just things you learn over time.

Hope it helps ;)

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Trail cams are definetely an addicition. I bought a coupled used ones about two years ago (thanks Treestandman!), and also didn't have much luck the first couple times out. I've got 4 of them now (2 of which are currently deployed) & am looking to add a couple more to the herd. You learn the tricks quickly & it sure seems like you're onto a hot spot already. Thanks for sharing & keep after it!


Matt S.

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Congratulations Tracy! It just gets better and better. This is one I took acouple of years ago. The trail cam helped me gag this ole boy.


Thanks for sharing,




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Congrats on your success! There is no hope for you know :( good luck! ;)



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Great job, I bet we'll see more pic's from ya soon, it is addicting! We just had 5 cameras out for 2 days and got almost 2000 photos.....just about killed my 'puter downloading them all, but it's well worth it ;) Best of luck to ya!

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I have always resisted using trail cams because it just doesn't seem fair, but since all you guys are doing your best to corrupt me :lol: , with all your great pictures, I just might have to buy one and try it out :)

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  GameHauler said:
Glad you got some pics, Looks like a good spot.

I might suggest you back the camera off about 10-15 feet.

There are more than likely more critters to see with the one you are getting pics of.

Just things you learn over time.

Hope it helps ;)


Allready done! I moved the camera about ten feet further back. I also put it at about a 45 degree angle to the trail that its on as apposed to the 90 degree angle i had it on before. I put it a little lower on the tree too. I don't know if it will make a difference but I stacked logs and brush to create kind of a bottle kneck to the salt. Can't wait to see if my adjustments will make a difference. I will definitely keep you all posted.



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Wrap your solar panel wire with some black electric tape. I will help keep the squirels from eating through it. They really like to chew on the wiring. Make sure you set it up to get the maximum amount of light. My batteries started lasting much longer once I got the panels set up on them. David

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  azhuntnut said:
Wrap your solar panel wire with some black electric tape. I will help keep the squirels from eating through it. They really like to chew on the wiring. Make sure you set it up to get the maximum amount of light. My batteries started lasting much longer once I got the panels set up on them. David



Thanks for the tip! Squirel problems never even came to mind but now that you bring it up I will definitely wrap the wire. Great idea! Thanks again!



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Squirrels are a problem and I think the Elk have messed with the wire also.

wrap it around the tree so as not to have it hanging.

You talked about changing the angle up the trail.

You need to have the Cam pointed either north or south

or you will get glare either in the morning or afternoon.

What I have found and read is to set the cam at 2-3 feet high

for best results.

Just curious, you did buy a rechargeable battery also?

Have fun with the new addiction ;)

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  GameHauler said:
Squirrels are a problem and I think the Elk have messed with the wire also.

wrap it around the tree so as not to have it hanging.

You talked about changing the angle up the trail.

You need to have the Cam pointed either north or south

or you will get glare either in the morning or afternoon.

What I have found and read is to set the cam at 2-3 feet high

for best results.

Just curious, you did buy a rechargeable battery also?

Have fun with the new addiction ;)


Im one step ahead of you. :P I had the camera pointed northeast and I was getting glare in the morning. Now that I have changed the angle of it, it is pointed almost due north. I didn't think the solar panel would work with a regular baterry so yes I did buy a rechargeable battery. Thanks for all your help!



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  Snapshot said:
I have always resisted using trail cams because it just doesn't seem fair, but since all you guys are doing your best to corrupt me :lol: , with all your great pictures, I just might have to buy one and try it out :)


Trail cams are an addiction in their own right. I've got three out now & am planning on setting up a couple more this weekend. You certainly won't regret buying one.

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