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WTB: Garmin Alpha and Collar

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  On 8/6/2020 at 1:20 AM, CouesFanatic said:

Thanks. What type of scam? Why these specifically? 

People on facebook and other platforms steal pictures from somewhere online and act as if selling them and take your money. Some of them look like legit businesses. Seen lots of guys on hound groups get scammed. Outdoordogsupply.com is always a good place to get supply's. They also sell used and refurbished. also dusupply.com is another good one. Facebook in LOCAL hound groups where u can meet face to face is also good. Their is also one on offer up in PHX right now for 550. If u need any other help PM me

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Make sure you do your research on the alpha. Look into just the Astro and the pro 550 plus. 

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Thanks. From what I have seen the Astro has no capability for dog correcting. The Pro 550 has corrections but only a 1 mile tracking capability with no map. They are cheaper though. Please correct me if I'm wrong on these.

No response from Offerup people as usual.

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I cant answer to the pro but the astro you are correct, no correction. Their are other options with correction tho. You can also run a delta with the astro and it has correction. Downfall is dogs are wearing 2 collars and you have 2 remotes. The positive side of that is, if you are not hunting or doing something where you dont want tracking the dog can wear a much smaller collar. And you have have all the GPS attached. I personally run the Astro with DC50S and the garmin Delta sport XC. I chose this method as I dont always want GPS but do want correction and dogs dont have to have a huge color on for just correction. Especially helps for training puppys

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The nice part is delta xc sport still holds up to 3 dogs. And works every bit and longer of its 1mile range. What you using goes tracking for? If you decide this route it will cost in the ballpark of what a alpha is but It does have ki d of dual purpose. Downfall is correction is longer on alpha but once at a certain point it doesnt matter. You have to get the dog. If you go this route outdoordogsupply.com sells delta XC and sports refurbished for around 120-130 for remote and 1 collar they are great I have 2 and have been using them for years no issues. I also reccomend going to houndrecoveryantennas.com and buy one of the long range antennas for the truck just in case cheapest and best insurance policy you can ever get to recover a dog

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I run an Astro for GPS and a Garmin Pro for correction on my dogs. Yes 2 collars on each dog and 2 controllers to carry.

if you are using it to get your dog off the leash I would just get the pro 550 plus. Most labs are close workers and shouldn’t be further than a mile away from you. 

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I agree with TRES if it's just a lab off leash  they are close workers. I would only run a delta. No need for tracking. I would just run correction. My lab I usually only run a garmin delta he stays with me. My hounds on the other hand need both when running lions or bears

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