Red Rabbit Report post Posted June 25, 2008 Border Fence Challenge Rebuffed by Supreme Court,1581063.story Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TLH Report post Posted June 25, 2008 Don't these whack jobs know that if we do not control our borders that we may not have an environment to worry about?? How many people other than Mexican nationals do you think have crossed this border illegally with a destructive intent in their heart and soul?? This fence isn't the best answer but it certainly better than nothing at all. Personally i see this trespassing as an invasion and nothing else. Any other country in this world would shoot people crossing the border and that includes Mexico. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DesertBull Report post Posted June 25, 2008 I've always wondered why the enviro groups have never onced complained about the damage that is being done to our deserts. I think victory is short lived however. Once Obama is Prez, he is going to put a stop to the fence. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scoutm Report post Posted June 25, 2008 I sent an e-mail to the Seirra Club asking why their organization has not taken a stance on stopping illegal Boarder Crossing given the environmental impact they are having on very sensitive ecosystems. I even sent pictures of all the trash, vandalism and fires created by the illegal activities. There response was unbelievablely stupid! It basically read: The issue has been discussed and the decision of the Sierra Club was to NOT take an official position on this issues. Thank you for your inquiry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites