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Maps Maps

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I feel very fortunate to have drawn a November 2B deer tag. I was wondering if somebody could point me in a direction where i can get a map of that unit? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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I bought a unit 4B Arizona map from these guys and they are awesome.




Here is your unit. They are vinyl maps very durable. I paid 50.00 for mine yours is 24.95. They are about 4 foot by 3 foot, and they are your hunt unit only. They give watering hole locations, springs, roads, 4wd roads, trails, temperature reading for the last couple years, and lots of other info. I do recommend this map 150 percent. Good Luck on your hunt.


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I recommend you buy National Geographic's TOPO software program. They have them for most states and they cost about $100 but you get 5 levels of maps for the entire state. You can download your GPS waypoints into and out of the mapping software. I use it all the time for AZ. You can get the hunt unit boundaries and other info for free on the G&F websites.

You can draw the boundaries into the software also. You can print out any portion of the map so that you don't have to take a large map in the field with you if you just want the portion you are hunting and you can customize it with all your gps info from scouting trips.






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I also have the ustopo 2008 from Garmin with my gps. The only reason I bought the map was to also be able to see the area around instead of on a 2" x 4" screen. I mark alot of my special areas on the big map and others with you can see what I you are talking about and your plans. Then if you can't get any signal or your batteries are dead and you have nothing else you then have the map. Boy Scouts Moto "ALWAYS BE PREPARED". I have been in situation where I needed more than just one.




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I Was already looking at the National Geographic Maps. Just looking for other ideas thank you all.


I found the maps National Geo maps cheaper here http://www.huntunits.com/product/340?PHPSE...a7dc02075a7655c.


Thanks again guys



Doug you better get that Dog ready we are going to hold a $10,000 Tournament in Oct.

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Another vote for National Geographic's TOPO software program. This is a great program. You can also purchase the waterproof paper for printing. Its a good product and you can spend hours disecting it!

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I Was already looking at the National Geographic Maps. Just looking for other ideas thank you all.


I found the maps National Geo maps cheaper here http://www.huntunits.com/product/340?PHPSE...a7dc02075a7655c.


Thanks again guys



Doug you better get that Dog ready we are going to hold a $10,000 Tournament in Oct.



Even Cheaper here on ebay. Looks like a super reliable seller



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OKAY... I have to admit I had never seen one of the maps that Tommy sends to his DIY clients UNTIL this weekend.. dang... His Maps are nice... Even if you don't get a scouting package from him it would be well worth it to have him just a BIG Topo Map once you have figured out what area you are going to hunt...




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Hi All,


Can anybody please answer if the National Geographic program has the forest service roads listed? I am thinking of purchasing it, but I would like the roads numbers.


Thanks Andy

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Redman, I have the National Geographic map software for both Arizona and New Mexico. The answer to your question is no. At least the majority of the time. There are a few MAIN roads that display the FS #'s but most don't. I love the program, but I would have to say that this is the biggest negative. Don't let this stop you or anyone from buying them. For the money there is nothing else that even comes in close!!!

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Redman, I have the National Geographic map software for both Arizona and New Mexico. The answer to your question is no. At least the majority of the time. There are a few MAIN roads that display the FS #'s but most don't. I love the program, but I would have to say that this is the biggest negative. Don't let this stop you or anyone from buying them. For the money there is nothing else that even comes in close!!!


Hey TAM,


Thanks for the reply. I wonder if any software programs have the forest service roads named in thier program?


Thanks again,



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I use this.


Not only does it switch instantly from topo to aerial photo, it covers the entire US and is cheaper than Delorme and National Geographic.


You can download a 30 day trial, full functioning.

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