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Can anymone help me out? I have a garmin gps 120. How do I enter in coordinates and have the gps take me to them? In the past I have always had the coordinates and walked around until they matched my screen on the gps. This can take a lot of your time and you end up walking more than you need to.

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There should be a menu item to make a new waypoint.


Barring that, just mark your current location. Save it. Then go to waypoint list and select the new waypoint. You should then be able to edit the coordinates.


After that, use the goto function. A list of your waypoints will come up. Select the one you want to find and start walking. It will take a few seconds for the unit to determine which way you are walking, then just follow the arrow.


By far, the easist way is to connect your GPS to a computer and use a software package like Delorme or NAtional Geographic to download the waypoints and routes.


If you don't have a manual, you can download one from the Garmin website.

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On mine I just go to mark location, then I name it, and then I go down to the longetude and latitude and re set it to what it needs to be.

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