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i think a buncha folks on here ate the glow worm. i'm amazed there are that many folks from roswell on this site. i really expected a lot better from amanda. you guys see any stick lizards or canteen turtles? Lark.


Really? You must know something about Amanda we don't. :lol: :lol: jk



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i'm thinkin' she's been eatin' the wrong kinda mushrooms out there on them hooty owl countin' deals. glow worms.........i seen a few glow toward the end of a jug o' takillya. but only after the jug was empty. you guys see any pink elephants or talkin' javelinas? Lark.

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when i first read that i thought what the h e l l, amanda is as sick as the rest of us and if it really did that i was gonna eat some and then i saw the word was "shirt". took me a second to see that "r". Lark.

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Now that's funny right there. :lol: :lol:



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