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I was near Christpher Creek Friday night, and I saw something I've never seen before, a glow worm. I'm not sure if thats what they are called though. It was tan, about a 3/8 of an inch long, with a green glowing end on it that was about a 16th of an inch. Anybody else ever seen them. It was pretty neat to see. Does anybody know how rare they are?

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I had a friend that said he saw them on his regular trips to big lake.


I know Green glowing things is something you see a lot around smallville :blink:

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Saw them while packing out a friends bear in the Blue Wilderness till about 2:00am back in 2000. We stopped to take a breather & he said he saw some green glowing worms, I told him he was nuts & that heat & exhaustion must be getting to him. I laid back on a rock & turned out my head lamp, it was then I realized they were every where. They looked like inch worms that would just light up & then turn off. I have no idea what they are called ,but it was pretty cool. I haven't seen any since then. Does anyone know what they are called?

Thanks, Mark

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I've seen them in the catalinas and other places. I don't know the scientific name, most people call them glow worms. You can probably look them up on the internet for more info. I do a lot of night work surveying for owls and I still don't see very many of them, so I don't think they are all that common.




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Seen um in the Rincons

Same here

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You guys need to stay out of the Mescal :wacko:

Says who :P

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I heard that Mescal makes your worm glow!!



:lol: :lol: :lol: NOW THAT IS FUNNY


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I know its real old, but didn't want to start another new thread. Well, three years of mescal finally produced a picture. I saw it Monday 7/4 night.






Pics are blury I had to play with the shutter speed and ISO, also had to manual focus, I'm learning.

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i think a buncha folks on here ate the glow worm. i'm amazed there are that many folks from roswell on this site. i really expected a lot better from amanda. you guys see any stick lizards or canteen turtles? Lark.

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