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Garmin Rino GPS

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Hey fellow hunters. This years hunting purchase will include a GPS. I'm leaning towards the Garmin Rino 130. I've compared it to it's more expensive brother, the 530. The only real difference(s) I can find is: color screen (not important to me), expandable memory, rechargeable battery pack, greater radio distance. Does anybody have any other info to compare the two, and if it's important to hunting? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I have the rino 120s and they are awesome, the position beaming is great, I imagine the 130 are a step up and what is great will only get better the more dinero you spend. Make sure you get the ear buds and small microphones for stalking. If you are only getting one, it would not really make alot of sense to spend the extra money since you will not be beaming your position to anyone. They work great for keeping tabs on younger hunters and friends. I dont think the color screen is that important. I would not hesitate to buy these babies again. ag

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Had the 120 when they orginally came out. Currently have the 530 model that they don't make any more. The only reason I bought the 530 was that Walmart online had them at a smokin deal. All the people I hunt with use the Rhino and we all love them.


If you go to a new place and mark it as a waypoint your fellow Rhino users don't have to punch the cordinates in you can just send it to them. Or if you hunting with some one and you want to know where they are at all you have to do is poll their Rhino. The only problem to watch out for is if you are talking to your buddies and telling that you have a great spot or alot of for instance quail in a certain area any body else with a Rhino that is within radio range will know where it is to. When were all together we usually just turn off the GPS.


If you get one make sure you go to the Garmin website now and then to check for updates. I usually go at least once a year.

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I have the 110. It is nice, but I think the radio is a tad weak. When AzpackNhorns and I were packing out his buck, we had a hard time getting the GPS reading on Ajohunter who was using a 110 as well.

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I have both, the 130 and 530 and love them both :lol: . Buy the 530! It is a great tool with better technology.



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For any of you that may still be looking for one or of upgrading. Walmart has a smokin deal on the 520 HCx. I have the 530 and love it and if my wife would let me get away with it I would get this one today..


Click the See our price button at the site below...





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So how does the color screen and all the extras affect your battery life? Mine seem to last about 2-3 days if I leave it on the whole time. ag

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