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Our Best Friend who we will miss

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Hey guys..Well I really don't post much here, do a lot of reading mostly. Yesterday I had to do the hardest thing in my life. Our best friend Duke was 13 yrs old and he had congestive heart failure. He was diagnoised on April 1st and we were able to get 2 more months of his love and companionship, before we had to put him to rest on Tuesday evening. Duke was a liver spot dalmation. Here is a picture of me and him on a scouting trip for my fiance's archery antelope hunt May 3rd. We are going to truly miss him. Would love to see some pictures of ya'll with your best friend.post-1911-1212640051_thumb.jpg

Duke Nixon 5/4/95 - 6/3/08

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I know how hard that is to go through since I put down my 15 year old dog last year. Very tough. Only time and thinking about the fact that you gave your dog a good, long life will help with the pain.


you asked for pics, so here is a pic of my old girl, she was a great friend




And here is one you guys might appreciate since it has some bone in it.....


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Peg and I are sorry about Duke. They do become a true friend and family member for life. Thanks for sharing with us Duke's picture. It was good seeing you and Kathy at the outdoor show this year. Good luck with your caribou hunt and how are things coming with the bed&breakfast in Williams? Take care and hi to Kathy.



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Sorry to here about your friend! Its very hard thing to do.

It is rough anytime you loose a family member.

Keep the faith


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I lost my best friend of 14 years about 2 years ago and miss him dearly.


Here is Bo the Weimer about 1 month before he passed, with his new little buddy Duke (who was small back then)



Here is Duke now, he weighs in at 120+ lbs and is a big baby. You will never convince me that dogs do not feel emotion. After Bo passed poor Duke was a lost soul as was I.


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Sorry to hear the passing of your buddy. True friends like our dogs just don't come around very often.


Here's a pic of my boy....hopefully we have many more years ahead of us.


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Sorry about your Pal. We have buried two of ours in the last 3 years.... it is way hard to let them go.


It amazes me that people think we are cold blooded killers.... and yet we go to pieces over our dogs. ;)

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Very sorry to hear about your loss Mark and Kathy. I bet you shared alot of great times with Duke and that's all that matters!


I lossed my huntin' buddy a few years ago and I was devastated over it. I kept laughing at myself 'cause it was "just a dog", why was I so upset.......but that's entirely not true, they are part of the family and especially if you don't have kids they quickly take their place! I felt like I had lost my kid and it sucked. I wish the best for you and Kathy. JIM>



Here's my boy "Zeus" several years ago on the rez....




Here's my new boys, which are Drake and Brutus



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My wife and I know how you feel. We lost our Merlin last week. He was just a shaggy little, mixed-breed dog, but he lived with us, went everywhere with us, and slept with us for seventeen years. It hurts terribly to know we'll not see him again. He gave us a million hours of pleasure.


Bill Quimby

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I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a dog sucks big time.


Here is my first bird dog, Jake



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Thank you all for your pictures, stories and condolences. It helps to know that there are others out there who care about thier pets and feel the loss that we have felt. We will be getting another dog after we get back from our Canadian Caribou hunt in September. We will post pictures of our new dog when we get him/her. Thanks again for your support.


Mark and Kathi

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Took me 7 years to get over loosing my last faithful pal , but two weeks ago I got this little girl. Australian Shepherds become one of the family overnight.


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Truley sorry to hear bout your loss. This is my buddy, Bruno (boxer). I've been thinking the last couple weeks bout how old he's getting and it has been worring me. He's been the best family dog i've ever had.




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