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More draw questions

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1. Is it correct that sheep hunt numbers with only one tag are not eligible for the 20% pass percentage?


2. Does anyone else see a problem with applying for a low odds hunt first choice (dec.) and a high odds hunt second choice (nov.) with a medium number of bonus pts. because you will not draw the dec. tag in the pass percentage but you will draw the nov. hunt in the pass percentage before you even get a chance at the dec. tag in the regular draw? Am I overthinking this?

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Over thinking? Yes, but we all do it. Its half the fun of applying and playing the application game.


You are correct about the sheep tag question.


As for the deer draw question, no problem, way things are getting your just increasing your "opportunity" to get out there. And maybe you'll get a great tag.

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Reading R12-4-114 part C.2.a. I see that it is up to 20% of the total number of sheep permits (not by hunt number like most other species) are reserved for the 20% pool. I didn't read where a unit with only one permit is not eligible for the 20% max BP pool (Perhaps I missed it; where did you read this?). In paragraph E, you can see where a NR cannot draw a permit in a sheep unit with only one tag.


For deer, YES, you could be drawn for the Nov hunt in the 20% pass without being considered for the Dec hunt in the regular draw. In R12-4-114, it says the 20% pass is for each hunt number and for both 1st and 2nd choices. What unit were you considering and how many BP do you have? You might put two December hunts for choices 1&2, and put the Nov hunt 3rd to eliminate that possible problem, but this may also mean you may not draw unless you put in for an Oct hunt that will likely have leftovers.


Using unit 33 as an example, last year the max bp for the Nov hunt was 6. With the 750 permits, there were 150 reserved for the pass. 52 applicants with only 2 BP drew in the 20% pass. The 20% pass did not get to the people with 0 or 1 BP.

For the Dec hunt in unit 33, the 20% pass was involved for hunters having 4 to 8 BP.

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I guess the question then for people who don't have max pts. is how many of the one tag sheep hunts go to residents in the pass percent. With 90 tags total thats 18 tags to max pt holders and it looks like 96% of the sheep max point holders are residents.


With deer it makes me wonder if it wouldn't be better to have the bonus point round only apply to your first choice



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