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EliteXC Tonight

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EliteXC will have their fight card on regular old CBS tonight. I think it starts at 8:00 P.M. AZ time.


It's and interesting card ,not the best card but interesting. I'm looking forward to the Lawler vs Smith fight. Kimbo and Thompson will most likely be a flailing slugfest. If you haven't seen Thompson fight, there's a 100% chance he'll run full speed at Kimbo as soon as the bell rings........

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i hope it goes to the mat.... I wonder if those guys have any skills other than swinging for the fences


Kimbo trains with Bas Rutten, so he has some ground skills. Thompson had been training at Extreme-Couture, so he has some ground as well. I have a feeling it'll be a stand up fight though.

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they had some pretty good fights tonight. that one poor guy got poked in the eye and they stopped the fight for that. that one chic's face was starting to look like a swollen package of burger. that thompson guy had one ugly ear even before kimbo busted it open. thompson got rocked but I don't know if the ref should have stopped the fight when he did. good to see some free mma other than ufc/wec reruns.

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I would have to say thompsos has one ugly ear that thig was flaping around before the fight even started. It looked like it had a fresh case of fighter ear from training. That is a badge of honor when it comes down to it.I wish lawler and smith could have kept going. Smith said he was ok to fight. I have always like seeing lawler fight. now on for sunday to see pulver/ faber.

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The kimbo fight was one of the worst mma fights i've ever seen. What a joke. I wish they'd put him up against a real fighter instead of these losers. He would get destroyed. The show last night looked like a wwe production and the announcers didn't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. It made mma look stupid.

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The kimbo fight was one of the worst mma fights i've ever seen. What a joke. I wish they'd put him up against a real fighter instead of these losers. He would get destroyed. The show last night looked like a wwe production and the announcers didn't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. It made mma look stupid.


yeah... Kimbo did match the hype... I think he started to believe the hype because you could tell he was alittle freaked out by the whole thing...


I just type in kimbo hype in google and I got a ton of hits... this is the best one..



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If/when Kimbo gets put against someone whos a "name", he'll go down. He looked like a fish out of water! If Thompson would have had any gas left, he would have ground his butt down until the ref was forced to stop it! He was hittin him and elbowing him, but they didnt have anything more that the weight of his hand behind them. It was a OK fight though.

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The kimbo fight was one of the worst mma fights i've ever seen. What a joke. I wish they'd put him up against a real fighter instead of these losers. He would get destroyed. The show last night looked like a wwe production and the announcers didn't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. It made mma look stupid.




Elite XC is a joke IMO. That first Affliction card looks pretty good though.

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Not that i think elite is a joke but the production on tv was a joke.

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I want to see Lesnar v. Slice

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Elite has some decent fighters but none the quality of ufc or even wec. Robbie Lawler is the middle weight champion? He wouldn't be in the top 5 or 6 185 pounders in the ufc. He hasn't beaten anybody big. He beat Frank Trigg but that was when Trigg was past his prime, and Trigg's not that good anyway. And the guy Kimbo fought has the weakest chin I've ever seen and always gets knocked out, yet kimbo couldn't knock him out. Kimbo is supposed to hit harder than "anyone." The ground game was pathetic, and thats an understatement. I've rolled with white belts who've only trained for a few months that have a better ground game than those two.

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Amen on that guy having the weakest chin! Kimbo popped him with a 1/2 assed swing once or twice and he was wobbly!


Kimbo really showed how truely strong he is though. When he wanted to get off of the bottom, he did. i REALLY believe when he fights some one half way decent, hes gonna get his arse whooped!

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Thats why they picked him to fight kimbo. He's got a weak chin. I've seen him fight before and he always gets knocked out. Neither one of them were conditioned and both were sloppy and slow.

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What about Nick Diaz? He left the UFC for the EliteXC and then proceeded to smash his face into his opponents fists/knees so many times it ripped a nasty gash the size of the grand canyon above his eye and the doc had to call the fight. Then like the crybaby he is he gave double fingers to the crowd and ran out of the arena crying like a little girl. Sorry I can't remember the other guys name but it was for the new title of that division.


I'm really not a fan of either of the Diaz brothers but this one's really got me puzzled??? Why would a pretty solid fighter in the UFC leave for the EliteXC? No surprise that a true 145 pounder like Pulver would go to the WEC so he could fight his true weight class, but Diaz bailing out for the EliteXC doesn't make any sense at all. Probably had something to do with money, but I'm sure all that back fired on him when he lost the title fight. Hopefully Joe Silva and Dana White tell him where the little bear pooped in the forest when he comes begging for his contract back.



AMEN to Lesnar vs Slice!!!!!

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