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Woods Canyon Lake

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Heading up Wednesday to camp somewhere past the lake in the dispersed camping area.  Want to do a test run on a new to us trailer and get out of the Valley for a few days.  Wanting to know if anyone has been to the lake recently?  Can you still get to the lake to fish?  I cant not fish up north, that is part of the mental reset.  I am assuming the store parking lot is blocked off, didn't know if there was anywhere to get down and wet a line.  Let me know if you have any info, thanks in advance.

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didn't go to woods canyon but popped in to willow springs on Saturday and let me tell you.... it was like country thunder.

Sardine point had cars parked all along the road out to the highway.

maybe just weekend thing idk.

hope this is not the new norm!


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Hiked and fished the East Verde this weekend, 2nd and 3rd Crossing. On Thursday afternoon, there were at least 30 cars parked on the side of the road at Water Wheel. Drove Houston Mesa up to Control road and down to the 260....there was a ton of people in each campsite along the Control road. I can only imagine what WCL is going to look like when it hits 107* in the valley this week.

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Pick a different lake. Woods Canyon is overly crowded. If you get on the lake, do it at sunrise and leave at 10am. There won't be a parking spot around at 10am. We used to fish it a lot but I won't ever be going there again. Too many people on kayaks yelling, boats driving the wrong way around the lake and college kids partying. 

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Will probably only get worse as the AZ population grows.  Future models are showing a growth of 1 million people just in the valley by 2030.  For many, what we have now will be their "good ol' days".  Have fun wherever you go.

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I too have lost the desire to be at Woods Canyon, always too many people for me.  But my wife hasnt been fishing in years ans remembers the fun when the kids were growning up.  So we will get this out of her system and move on.  I have always had a soft spot for Black Canyon Lake, no idea how that looks these day.

Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate it.  I get really anxious without a solid plan in my head.

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Not in the same area but Hulsey Lake had 15 rigs parked there Friday........most vehicles I've ever seen at that little puddle........there were lots of people out camping around Big Lake area.....woods definitely weren't as quiet and serene as the norm!!!!!

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It's been open for weeks. Call the Heber Ranger Office to find out if the campgrounds are open yet, store was supposed to open last week.

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Was up at black canyon this past weekend and it was a zoo!! Over an hour to get fuel and get out of payson it was A mad house!

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What do yall think about carnero lake this weekend? Think it will be packed? Dont want to make the 5 hour drive to be crowded. Ive never really had a problem with crowds there but in these days nobody knows.

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Interesting, you knew it was going to happen when they closed down the camp areas!

The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests have seen record visitation over the past couple of weekends. Recreating comes with responsibility. Every sport has rules for safety and fairness and that applies for all recreational activities on public lands. These rules exist to protect each individual, young and old, wildlife, and the natural resource.  

This weekend, a majority of the recreators on the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests did not show respect for any of that to include public law. 

Most visitors recreating with families have little children, with big bright eyes and the ability to remember just about every detail. They are watching every move mom, dad, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousin make, soaking up everything, from the way the forests smelled to how their role models treated the forest during maybe their very first camping trip, bike ride, hike, or hunt. Was the camp site or trail treated like a post-apocalyptic wasteland with trash and feces everywhere a human laid foot? Was a tradition of destruction created or tradition of caring for the lands? 

Camping, hiking, biking, and hunting are ways to connect to the land as well as connect with friends and family. Destroying the land and having no remorse while doing so displays selfishness and disrespect. When recreating on public lands, please recreate responsibly and help minimize water contamination, spread of disease, and social and aesthetic impacts. Use Leave No Trace, Pack it in, Pack it out, and Tread Lightly ethics and guidelines to keep the forests and its visitors safe. It is up to you. 

How to dig a cathole: 


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10 hours ago, Riflerack31 said:

What do yall think about carnero lake this weekend? Think it will be packed? Dont want to make the 5 hour drive to be crowded. Ive never really had a problem with crowds there but in these days nobody knows.

Carnero does not have crowds because fishing from shore is almost impossible and it is a single hook lure only lake. 

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