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WTB Swarovski Binos

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Hey all,


I am in the market for binoculars and I need them quick as I just sold my Zeiss. I am looking for Swarovski 10's at the moment. 10x42 or 10x50, either works for me. Let me know what you have.


My price range will more then likely put me in the used SLC category, but that is fine with me.


I have checked ebay, but I am always skeptical of buying anything there. I know the good folks here at CWT are honest and won't sell me crap.


PM or email, whichever you prefer. lanoue25@yahoo.com


Thanks again.



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Nikon just came out with new binos in 2008 so their 2007 Premier LXLs 10X42 are on sale for $1,100 at bear basin. great glass and a great deal.

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I have a pair of 10x42 SLC's I'd be willing to part with....


I'll send you a pm.

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Got it Gino. I will try to call you this afternoon. Thanks.




Thanks for the other tips as well. I appreciate it.



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