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Coues 'n' Sheep

** For Sale....... to build a new gun.

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I've got a matching pair of HK Tactical .45's.... They sport back-to-back serial numbers and have never been fired. They are new in the "suit cases" they came in and have all the original paperwork and accessories. This model has the threaded barrels and I am told is the same model that the Seals use.... :huh:




Just kinda fishing.... if I can sell them in this market I will.... if not fine.....

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Back to back serial #'s will definately effect the value, just a single pistol would be right around $900 - $1000, add the collector value and they are worth whatever someone wants to pay for them. Simple math says minimum $2000 but I think you could easily add 25% on top of that, perhaps more, perhaps less. They made between 1000 - 2500 of them and who knows how many matched sets, not very many I bet.


They were developed as a offensive weapon for SOCOM.

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I just saw on the TV show Shooting Gallery the only movie your 'twins' have ever came out in "Tears of the Sun" with Bruce Willis.


Nice Guns!






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Typically matching serial numbers would effect a pairs value. But with current production guns, good luck. You would have to find a collector that collects that type, meaning tactical guns, yet does not use them. Thats the benefit of having 100% unfired in the box guns. Being pre owned will drop the value weather fired or not and the Blue book of guns lists them in 100% condition at 1075 with a msrp of 1239. The problem is you typically dont find people collecting guns that are currently available even if the serial numbers are back to back. That and any collector is looking for a deal, something that is a good investment and typically will not pay the 1075 x 2 and especially not plus a 10% or 25% add on for serial numbers. The guns are working guns not exactly collector guns. But you very well may find somebody interested thats willing to prove me wrong. Im guessing realistic offers you may get are gonna be around 1800 for the pair maybe a hair higher, Thats what i would mark them at for resale in my shop. Good luck though.

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Hey Gino......you say "I just can't part with them"


SO..........I'll be up there this weekend with a couple boxes of .45's and we'll go break them bad boys in! I don't see the point in owning a gun if you ain't gonna shoot it! If you are wanting to keep them as an investment, I would bet that you would be better off selling them and putting that money in a special fund of some sort and see a bigger return in a shorter amount of time. I say go shoot them bad boys!


I once won a special edition 45-70 lever action rifle, it had a purdy gold inlayed elk on the action and all the purdy swirly designs all over it. I was excited to win it and was ready to go shootin' until somebody told me it's value would depreciate by half if I shot it :angry: So I sold it the next day for $1,500.00 ;)


To each his own. Hey Gino, post up those pictures you have of the Twins and I'll see ya this weekend :D

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Thanks for the replys everyone... I have turned down $2000 for the Twins as a pair. I think the one guy would have gone to $2200 but I would have to be needing money bad to sell them for less than $2500. And I will not shoot them, Jimbo! :rolleyes: Here are a couple of pics....



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Gino, back to back serial numbers is not that big of a deal. It is nice, and adds a little money to the collector value, but not by 25%, 10% might be a correct number.

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Sure are purty.



You are not aloud to like them, my friend..... ;)



:lol: :lol: :P

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Gino, back to back serial numbers is not that big of a deal. It is nice, and adds a little money to the collector value, but not by 25%, 10% might be a correct number.


Thats, cool.... that is why I was askin'. Just to get a feel for what guys thought...


I know I could get $2000. for them tommorrow.... but just not really interested in selling them..... if MSRP is over $1200... then I would not be out of line to ask $2500 for the Twins... if I ever sell them.


Again thanks for all the replys.... fun to talk about something fun on here this time of year!!! ;)

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Well I been toying with parting with the Twins for a new build..... I know they are worth atleast $2500 but not sure I will sell them for $2500.... but will bid offers right here of more than $2500. ;) ...And I will only sell them as a pair. :)

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bonecollecter, I'll be sending you a PM....






Yes, these are back to back serial numbered guns that are NIB.... they were owned by a FFL collector who left them to his Grandson... the Grandson needed money and offered to consign them (and several other guns) at my buddy's gun and pawn shop... he immediately called me and bought I them then and there as an investment. I purchased these guns through his shop so as to insure these guns were clean and legit..... I will sell them FTF or shipped through an FFL...


These guns are going on GunBroker today or tomorrow.

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