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I always like the we pay less then europe argument on fuel. Europe has 0 refineries wich means all of the fuel they consume is imported and subjected to high taxes and terrifs not to mention the cost of shipping. We refine almost all of the fuel we use in america. Also explian to me why 75% of the oil produced in this country is exported? Why buy from opec when we could use our own oil. I do agree we should be able to drill for more oil here. Did you know that there is a substantial amount of shale oil in utah that the huggers wont let be proccesed. Supposidly enough to roduce some 3000 barrels a day for like 15 years. The rumor is that Mining it will have little envioromentel impact because it is all in the top soil.


not to be a jerk and it might be a typo but 3000 barrels a day is nothing.... we use about 20 million barrels a day(cnn)... I do agree that now is the time to start drilling... but if nothing else this just goes to show that we will pay 4.50 a gallon so the oil companies have no reason to change... THEY NEED COMPETITION from some other source of energy...




Yes it was 30000 sorry. My point is if we cant even take some topp soil wtf???

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Jamaro what was said was wrong, but it was dropped and keeps getting brought back up. Kind of like the republicans keep being told to let it drop that Obama was raised by muslims and attended a muslim school, but he isn't a muslim. I am just pointing out facts.

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okay okay... I will drop it..



Bout time...Hey jamaro its gettin kind of deep hah :huh: "some dramma for your mamma" aint that what your into ;)

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obama has already set the stage for the recession he creates when the dems raise taxes by saying that the housing problem is reminiscent of the stock market crash causing the great depression, (didn't he go to harvard or something) it wasn't the stock market crash, it was the government policies in response, policies that eerily similar to his proposals (taxes taxes taxes), that caused the depression. but this way he's able to blame it on bush's economic policies instead of his own.


i for one am with desert bull. i'm for ron paul (except maybe running out of iraq)... but i don't know why we can't leave some of the other countries we're in. put our soldiers on our borders to stop the dang flood aliens and drugs and criminals coming into our country.


welfare... socialized medicine, all these things can be voluntary. private organizations run more efficiently than any government beaurocracy. if the government wouldn't steel 30% of what I make I'd be much more inclined to give out of my own volition, and we could do much much more. then the markets and businesses would grow, creating more jobs. we're in a mess with these people aspiring to be our leaders, and i just thank god that there are enough country boys in this country to keep it upright, cos no matter how bad these people are... the american people are still strong.



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the housing deal will take care of itself, if congress will let it. a buncha greedy sob's made up some new kinda loans that don't work out and a buncha other greedy sob's took em out. now they're all in trouble, and like always in America, they want someone to bail em out. i.e, the taxpayers. i pay my mortgage. i don't need to pay anyone elses. but these banks have all kindsa lobbiests that have their hands in the middle of congress and it is quite likely that we'll end up bailin' em out. like the savings and loan crap. that mccain was in the middle of and probly shoulda been prosecuted over. gov't ain't the answer. rollin' up your sleeves and makin' your own way is. this gas price deal is real deep. there's a lot more to it than oil companies makin' a buncha money. it pisses me off to no end, but consumption hasn't dropped off by one gallon. the price goes up everyday, and consumption does to. no way prices will go down when consumption raises. you only have to read the paper for 2 minutes to see what the goal is. $200 a barrel. who do you think puts this info out? the oil companys. whenever it levels out and prices of everything else affected and inflation finds it's true place, we won't feel it so bad. mexico pays about half what we do for gas. because that's what their economy will support. if we would just ok drilling in the U.S., everywhere, the price would go down as fast as it went up. but stupid whiney liberals won't allow it. when folks, like some of the whiners on this site, go off because they think things are bad, but have no idea why, it really yanks my chain. there is no excuse for stupidity. and voting in some jackass like obama will be something we may never recover from. i don't care why anyone doesn't like obama. even if it's just skin color, as long as they don't like him and won't vote for him, because he is a scary guy. so is mccain in a lot of ways. the illegal immigration will explode under him i'm afraid. that is about as bad a threat as islamic terrorists. i still think the clintons have a couple aces up their sleeves and are gonna pull some sorta super delegate coue at the convention. i hope they do because i wanna see the whiners come outa the woodwork on that one. Lark.

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Dang gone for a couple of days and things go everywhere.


Social medicine.....have you ever lived in a country where social medicine is practiced? Might want to try that one out before you jump on that band wagon.


There is alot in a name no matter how you want to side step it.......good or bad, a name carries alot of weight depending on what that name is known for. If Obama can't stand up for his name then so be it, you have dirt on my name, then so be it, I'll take it head on.


If a kid walks into my classroom and has the last name LOSER, am I going to treat him like a loser??? Only if he begins to act like one.........

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I don't care if the guys name is Hitler, if he worships stinkbait, or if he wears a leopard skin thong, I think his views of what America should be and his views about how Americans can end world poverty if we work harder and give away more are dead wrong.

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