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In his Sundie go to meetin clothes....

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When you consider the choices America is faced with for our next president take the test.


They are all social liberals and Obama preaches tax the wealthy to buy votes from the poor. and Change from the outside.

McCain preaches Change from inside. Says no pok barrel spending and has the kohones to stand up to his party when it suits him.


IF under attack, terrorist or from another country, who would you want to be commander in chief.

The one that says we need to negotiate more and "Talk"


The one who was a POW and has the experience with military, and foreign allies as well as enemies.


Who would Bin Laden, and Ahma-bad-Jihad (Irans President) Want....





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Jason, I hate to sound like a prick.. but get some thicker skin man. He is not attacking you, nor is he using direct and obseen ( sorry Gino, im sure that is spelt wrong also) language to make racial slams. He is using passive "comedy" to get a sublte point across. I must admit, I agree! He claims that he is not, nor has he ever been a Muslim... His Father was a hardcore Muslim, as was his step father... I dont know about any of you other guys, but I am EXACTLY like my dad.

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Guest Sock Monkey
people who cuss bush don't have much grasp on just what the world has gone through in the past 15 years. ask yourself one question, how many attacks have there been on American soil since 9-11? offense is the best defense. you can't deal with people who want to kill you, you just have to kill them first. Lark.


Last I checked, 9/11 occurred on Bush's watch. But luckily, he was quick to let all the other Bin Ladens out of the country lest we use them as leverage to make the House of Saud tell us where Osama is or before someone took matters into their own hands. But when it came to Osama, Bush had no mercy. I'm sure Obama's head is on a spike where it belongs for all the world to see or the SOB is buried in an unmarked grave with a pig's head on his chest. Enjoy eternity with a filthy pig you MFer. Oh wait, that didn't happen either. Well at least the Saudis repaid the favor by increasing their oil poduction. Oh, wait that didn't happen either. I guess all I can say is Viva Bush!


Im thinkin you took the wrong attitude with the wrong person....but just my guess. not the best first post buddy.


You are right. It was a terrible first post. I reread it and see you point completely. I apologize for the bad attitude and tone. I meant no disrespect to anyone. Thoughtful discussions are helpful. Sarcastic red-eyed rants like mine are not. I've learned a great deal from everyone on this site and laughed out loud often when reading theses posts. I think the CW community that y'all have built is great. I'll unregister and go back to lurking. (one last thing, the 270 Winchester is my favorite cartridge. It's fast and flat shooting enough for WT but has enough energy to drop and elk in its tracks. my $.02) Thanks for a great site!

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people who cuss bush don't have much grasp on just what the world has gone through in the past 15 years. ask yourself one question, how many attacks have there been on American soil since 9-11? offense is the best defense. you can't deal with people who want to kill you, you just have to kill them first. Lark.


Last I checked, 9/11 occurred on Bush's watch. But luckily, he was quick to let all the other Bin Ladens out of the country lest we use them as leverage to make the House of Saud tell us where Osama is or before someone took matters into their own hands. But when it came to Osama, Bush had no mercy. I'm sure Obama's head is on a spike where it belongs for all the world to see or the SOB is buried in an unmarked grave with a pig's head on his chest. Enjoy eternity with a filthy pig you MFer. Oh wait, that didn't happen either. Well at least the Saudis repaid the favor by increasing their oil poduction. Oh, wait that didn't happen either. I guess all I can say is Viva Bush!


Im thinkin you took the wrong attitude with the wrong person....but just my guess. not the best first post buddy.


You are right. It was a terrible first post. I reread it and see you point completely. I apologize for the bad attitude and tone. I meant no disrespect to anyone. Thoughtful discussions are helpful. Sarcastic red-eyed rants like mine are not. I've learned a great deal from everyone on this site and laughed out loud often when reading theses posts. I think the CW community that y'all have built is great. I'll unregister and go back to lurking. (one last thing, the 270 Winchester is my favorite cartridge. It's fast and flat shooting enough for WT but has enough energy to drop and elk in its tracks. my $.02) Thanks for a great site!



Sock Monkey,


Dude..... don't unregister!!!! :blink: Your tone may have been raspy, but much (not all) of what you said rang true. We all say things that are abraisive at times.... but there is some truth in just about every statment if you look for it. ;)






I got to back Casey on this one.... ;) ... Get off of 25-06's back.... I too, tire of the torch you are carrying.....

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I got to back Casey on this one.... ... Get off of 25-06's back.... I too, tire of the torch you are carrying.....






i'm new here. but i agree. people need to chill.

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just reporting the FACTS....



What facts?

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We still live in the best country in the world, I just can't believe that we have two characters running around on the face of the earth that are so scary and highly regarded in both their repective political endeavors. Does make me want to puke.......especially the latest that OBAMA came out with how he would handle the OSAMAS of this world......very scary....he is going to sit down and have a visit with them?????


Hey couldn't do any worse than bush.....



Although I do agree that Bush has not always done whats in the best intrest of our country I dont think Obama would have done a much better job. One reason is Obama is vary boisterous about his thoughts on guns. He wants social medicine aka medicare for every one. Now you tell that medicare works can you imagine the government trying to do it for everyone in the country. Tell me the last thing the government subsidised that works right.

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just reporting the FACTS....



What facts?


You remember.. The one they had to delete as to why you wouldn't vote for him...




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We still live in the best country in the world, I just can't believe that we have two characters running around on the face of the earth that are so scary and highly regarded in both their repective political endeavors. Does make me want to puke.......especially the latest that OBAMA came out with how he would handle the OSAMAS of this world......very scary....he is going to sit down and have a visit with them?????


Hey couldn't do any worse than bush.....



Although I do agree that Bush has not always done whats in the best intrest of our country I dont think Obama would have done a much better job. One reason is Obama is vary boisterous about his thoughts on guns. He wants social medicine aka medicare for every one. Now you tell that medicare works can you imagine the government trying to do it for everyone in the country. Tell me the last thing the government subsidised that works right.


I agree.. i HATE his stance on guns(and other things).... No argument there... About healthcare.... I work in the medical industry and one thing I do know is that our current system is very REACTIVE... In other words, we wait for someone to end up in the emergency room before we treat them and that is super expensive. We should be PRO-ACTIVE and prevent the issues(cheaper) before they become serious... And yes I know I will end up paying for it because I am a single, no kids and make pretty good money... but if done right it might be cheaper in the end....


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My problem with Universal Healthcare, Social Security, Medicaid, etc is that I am forced to participate. If I can afford my own insurance, retirement savings, etc, I should not be forced to enroll in the Gov't programs.

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My problem with Universal Healthcare, Social Security, Medicaid, etc is that I am forced to participate. If I can afford my own insurance, retirement savings, etc, I should not be forced to enroll in the Gov't programs.


I agree... But if you can't afford it and you don't take public assistance for preventative care, then you come in with stage two issues how should we handle that????


If we say that you are on your own, it will eventually end up as indigent care and we have to pay for it any-dang-way...



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