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Effects of the virus scare?

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5 minutes ago, wildwoody said:

Also heard he used to be the Phoenix suns gorilla, back in the day

Thats wild.  our business  tax guy did his tax's back in the late 80s and 90's we saw the suns gorilla guy alot in passing and waiting. I just cant picture that guy as Brady, the suns gorilla gave us tickets to the game one time also. Never new his name just the "suns gorilla" 

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On 6/23/2020 at 4:57 PM, trphyhntr said:

You don’t find it just a tad strange that no matter what 3 digit number you type in there’s a corresponding news story to that number 

Eh.... I honestly don't find it strange at all.   Seriously, if you really think about it, there are literally billions of pieces of data and people in the world interested in this virus thingy (whether the hype is valid is a totally different debate....).  Given basic statistics, it is not surprising at all that there is a cooresponding story or article for any three digits between 1-999.  I mean, does someone actually think that Google has cooked-up all of those articles and loaded them into some sort of bogus result for searches??   To me, it's simply a result of the information age we are living in.  Lots and lots of info out there, and Google is pulling from ALL of it in their searches. ;) 

I think the slightly interesting thing might be that there is SO much interest in this thing by the media, not that Google is returning so many hits.

Check this out:  Enter any three digit number and the word 'coues'.  I'm guessing you will get thousands of hits each and every time.


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Happened to be chatting with a reliable source today, they live in California.....

Care/Hospital get the below rates for Covid

1- $13k if just covid sick

2 - $36k if they put you on ventilator

3 - corners are being pressured to put died with/from covid on any death certificate

4 - same source a friends wife died in card accident, cause of death was covid.  Husband had to hire attorneys to get the official certificate changed.

Numbers are being manipulated, and so are the people.  Fauci owns patents on many virus fighting drugs, from Covid to AIDS. go figure.

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On 7/2/2020 at 4:33 PM, n2horns said:

Happened to be chatting with a reliable source today, they live in California.....

Care/Hospital get the below rates for Covid

1- $13k if just covid sick

2 - $36k if they put you on ventilator

3 - corners are being pressured to put died with/from covid on any death certificate

4 - same source a friends wife died in card accident, cause of death was covid.  Husband had to hire attorneys to get the official certificate changed.

Numbers are being manipulated, and so are the people.  Fauci owns patents on many virus fighting drugs, from Covid to AIDS. go figure.

No, no, no. Fake news..

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If Biden wins, the coverage will ramp up so they can show how much the people need the government to care for them. It will attempt to show how much you need to be taken care of by the nanny state.  ( more government provided income -stimulus checks)  Just my opinion

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39 minutes ago, Edge said:


Wait, I’m confused??  Didn’t your 33 year old nephew die from COVID?  This virus really has my head spinning.  I don’t know what to think!!!

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For me this meme is really a satirical on testing and how the numbers are skewed for political gain.

A small segment of the population will pay dearly for contracting the virus. Where as many others will contract it and never know.

Far as my nephew goes, he was first tested, results lost. Retested negative, retested positive days later. He had his underlying health issues.

Funny how the husband of my niece, both RNs, has tested positive for Covid (1out of four tests in 4 days comes back positive) while my niece has not tested positive. They both have the same symptoms of the same illness and have to take the same time off work.

The tests are so unreliable, why bother.

So yeah I'll keep posting memes I find amusing.


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