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ever have your heart skip a beat

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Hiking into a very nasty canyon this morning to check a cam of mine. I'm standing on a big boulder, looking for a way down, and see a card board box laying near the stream below. It was in good shape and I knew it had not been there long. I had to go check it out.


When I got there, it was full of styrofoam cups. What the ????. Then I noticed one of the cups had some dirt in it.


That's when my heart jumped up into my throat.


Pot farm!


I thought for sure I was going to step on trip wire or some doper was going to jump down from a tree and stab or shoot me.


I marked it with the GPS and snapped a few pics and headed down the canyon. 50 yards later, more pot.


I finally got to my cam and switched cards and batteries and headed back up the canyon, a different route this time.


I'm starting to feel a little safer now, but come around the corner and see MORE pot and jacket laying on a boulder. HO-LY-CRAP.


I just put my head down and kept walking. I knew if anyone was near they already heard me busting brush on the way up. They were either tending other plots or hiding. I just kept walking like I did not see anything.


I get back to the road and there is a car parked right next to my quad. SUCK! I look at it for awhile to see if anyone is around, but the windows are dark tinted. I had no choice, I'm out of water and it's way to long of a nasty hike to hiway where my truck is parked. I walked up and hopped on my quad and rode off.


Should I turn them in now, or use the dope as a food plot? ALA Cheech and Chong?









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Let them grow it until they are just about ready to harvest then call the feds in on them--nothing like keeping their little minds and hands busy while waiting for the plants to harvest!


I would be very careful though as hunters are not the only people that watch these sites and they may be waiting for you next time--i think i would have got the camera and got out of there instead of changing the card.


Be careful DB--these people don't give a dang about life and they will take you out with out any reason at all.

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post-1778-1210979210.gif PARTY :wacko:


Just kidd'n heck ya call it in NOW.


Have you checked your card yet?


Get them scum bags out of our forest.


Sure hope you had some mountain money with you.

I know I would have needed some.


I very seldom carried a pistol with me years ago but

I never go out to the woods anymore without one.

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Let them grow it until they are just about ready to harvest then call the feds in on them--nothing like keeping their little minds and hands busy while waiting for the plants to harvest!


I would be very careful though as hunters are not the only people that watch these sites and they may be waiting for you next time--i think i would have got the camera and got out of there instead of changing the card.


Be careful DB--these people don't give a dang about life and they will take you out with out any reason at all.



Good point.

Maybe we should all delete our posts

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My camera is not anywhere near the plot and there is another way in, although requiring more brush busting


I'm not letting them take my hunting spot. I've busted my butt finding this place.

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My camera is not anywhere near the plot and there is another way in, although requiring more brush busting


I'm not letting them take my hunting spot. I've busted my butt finding this place.



GOOD for you DB.

NOW turn the SOB's in :angry:


If you want to lend me your GPS

I will get some good video of them :unsure: ;)

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There are going to be some crazy deer and bear on this mountain when they find the weed. Maybe I could bait them with Doritoes, Oreo's and Mountain Dew?


:P :P

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There are going to be some crazy deer and bear on this mountain when they find the weed. Maybe I could bait them with Doritoes, Oreo's and Mountain Dew?


:P :P



:lol: :P :lol:

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Probably best to delete the thread altogether, especially if you plan on turning them in. You never know these days.

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I say turn them in. People like that tend to like to eat venison all year long and just might end up eating that buck of a lifetime you watched grow up before the season opens. :angry:

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Desert Bull, part of my job is to chase those guys out of the forest and arrest them. I could sure use your information and will pay you for it. Give me a call. 928.699.4234. If you are not comfortable talking to me I can provide an anonymous number for you. Thanks.


Same goes for any one else with information on marijuana growers any where in AZ.

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Heck Yeah, DB! Get the info into the right hands! They won't bust right away, I bet... timing is everything. And the $$$ might help fund you gas account to check you cameras! ;)



I'd dang sure be Loaded for Bear next time I went for that Camera! Those Bear hunters near Deer Creek in 22 had an all out gunfight with Pot Growers a few years back.... talk about spooky! No blood shed, thank goodness, but that one guy was lookin' into the business end of some Mexican's assult weapon, for a few seconds, before he got out of there.... not good!! :blink: That could have been you.... never feel like you are alone in the woods, cuz your not and Bad guys will always have guns.... ;)

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I'm like harsh man. What the heck. What better way to stop the illegal border crossing then to let these guys grow it here. Genuine USA natural homegrown, but nooo. Lets pull up the American bud in favor of the paraquated, drug lorded, campesino killing, mofos that ruin my hunting areas in the 36s and send more USA dollars south of the border. I say spread the joy of the drug business to all units! We should all have heart skipping moments in our units that don't necessarily include animals with antlers. Hey DB you will always remember this scouting trip right?


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Loose-lipped head shake, hard blink (3 times), and a deep DEEP sigh. Now I gotta shake it off real hard, starting in my shoulders and down through my finger tips.

That was the weirdest post I've ever read on this site.


To heck with drugs!!


Bust 'em... NOW!


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